Chapter 17: I'm Not Letting You Out of My Sight

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*Ashley's P.O.V.*

I woke up this moring next to Brianna. I still can't believe what happened last night. If only I had asked her to stay with us for a little bit more this wwouln't have happened. I don't want her getting hurt by anyone or anything. Yes I am protective but I can't help it I'm in love with her. I stroke her face while she sleeps. I get up and let her keep on sleeping and see Andy. "Hey Andy what's up man?" I ask Andy "Nothing really just stressed and shocked with what Kody did. Like how could he have done all this to her. I will not let my baby sister sit there and deal with that mother fucker. I just can't believe he hired someone to rape my baby sister like who the fuck does that!" Andy says gripping onto his hair. "Hey dude calm down I'm just as upset as you are. Yes you and Juliet are her legal adults but we are all pissed and just as shocked as you are". I say trying to calm Andy down. Then Brianna walks in. "You guys okay. You guys seem upset and stressed" Brianna says. "I'm fine" Andy and I say at the same time. Brianna than does that weird eyebrow thing Andy does. "Why are you guys lying to me?" Andy and I looked at each other then looked back at Brianna. Andy took Brianna's hand and brought her over to the couch. "Look we are just upset that you almost got raped yesterday in front of all of us. We don't want you to have that memory for the rest of your life it wouldn't be good and no one should go thrrough that." I look at Brianna and she has tears in her eyes. I go over and hug her. "Shhh hey don't cry its all okay now that dude is going to jail and you'll never ever see him again I promise if he ever comes near you, Lord bless his soul or Andy and I will be beating the shit out of that fucker." She laughed at what I said and hugged me and Andy. "Thanks guys. I love you guys all so much." She laughed with a smile Next thing we know we hear CC say "Awwwwww Brianna loves us" We all laugh and Brianna hugs CC "Well yeah duh. You guys are my life hahaha" We all get up and hug Brianna "Ahhhh shot group hug hahaha" Damn her laugh is cute as fuck! "Guys........Can't breath people are squishying me with your tallness and strongness". We all laugh at Brianna and let go. Then Jon comes onto the bus and tells us that we play and 1:00pm. We look at the clock and its 12:00pm. We all get ready and go to sound check. Brianna stays close to me holding my hand. Damn she is cute. When we start sound check Brianna stays off to side and dances to the music we play. Hahaha she is such an idiot but we all love her. She danced around to our new song 'Sons of Night' she looks so adorable. I love her I really do. After sound check we get ready to preform. Brianna kisses my check for good luck. Andy gives us a to touchy look then laughs and says "You guys are to cute". Brianna gives him a shocked look and says "ANDY ARE YOU OKAY ARE YOU HIGH ARE YOU DRUNK?!?! What has gotten into you!" We all laugh and then head off to preform. Then Andy tells Brianna to come out on stage. This is gonna get real interesting.

*Brianna's P.O.V.*

Andy says into the microphone "Brianna get your ass out here right now." I shook my head no, but next thing I know CC picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. "CC PUT ME DOWN" I shout. Ash then slaps my ass. It hurt and Anddy saw him do that and gave him a don't you dare do that around me again look. It was really funny. CC then spins me around as the guys laugh "CC GOD DAMN IT PUT ME DOWN AHHHHH" I scream the fans laugh CC finally puts me I slap his arm and yell "Asshole!" and hide behind Andy. Andy puts me infront of him and says "I'm pretty sure you guys remember my little sister Brianna." The crowd screams I look at Ashley and laugh. The BVB Army make me so happy and they understand me and I understand them. Andy than says "Well she is gonna do a little songy song with us." I look at him in shock and shake my head no. Everyone gets all excited. I'm as shy as you coculd possibly get it took me 2 years to be able to look all the guys in the eyes and feel confortable around them. Andy hands me a mic and I freak out. Before I knew it 'Set the World on Fire' starts playing. Andy starts it off and than he told me to sing the chorus with him. I look him in the eyes and sing with him all the guys aree shocked the fans scream of excitement and they sing along we all rock out to the song after the song is over Andy hugs me and kisses my head and everyone is in aww. We laugh and I run back to where I was before CC pulled mee out there. After the preformance Ashley wouldn't let mee out of his sight and I stayed close to him holding his hand. A lot of the fans said how cute we are together. Some on the other hand flipped me off for being with Ash but oh well I love him and I don't want to lose him. I walk over to the table where Jefree is we talked for a while and then Ash came over and freaked out. "Brianna you fucken scared me to death I thought someone kiddnapped you." Ash said hugging me. "Sorry Ash I forgot to tell you guys where I was going." Ash smiled and said "It's fine, I'm just not letting you out of my sight ever. I'm not gonna lose you. I love you so much." I blush and say "Awwww that's so sweet Ash. Before I knew it Ash had kissed my lips. Ashley fuckin Purdy is kissing my lips in front of everyone let alone my first kiss. Wow. Andy sees us and said "Ummm....Did I or did I not say that there had to be at least an inch of space between you too?" I laugh and cough saying "Over-protective." Andy and Ash laugh. I walk inbetween Ash and Andy back to the tour bus its now 7pm. We eat some good ass pizza like yum pizza. I start running around screaming "I'm a mother fuckin dino rawr!" Everyone on the bus laughs and CC says "Who the fuck gave her soda?" I laugh. We than all sit down and have a Lion King marathon. I slowly pass out on Andy's shoulder while hoolding Ash's hand. I fall into a beautful sleep and dream about my wonderful family and my amazing boyfriend.

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