Chapter 4: School

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*CC's P.O.V*

After we had finished shopping to get school supplies and clothes for Brianna's new school year, her phone had went off for what seemed like the 50th time today. She looked at the caller ID and than sighed. It was Kody who was calling her. She answered the phone and said hi. After about a minute she asked if she could go to Kody's house for dinner. Andy said thats fine. As soon as Brianna asked I started to get a bad feeling about her going to Kody's. What if he is the one that has left these marks on Brianna? It scared me a lot. Brianna is my best friend and I don't want to see anything bad happen to her ever. I just hope that this bad feeling is about Kody and Brianna. I looked next to me and saw that Ashley had a worried look on his face as Brianna scrolled through her phone and saw all the missed calls from Kody. There had to be at least 10 from him before she finally picked up. Honestly I don't know if this is just because he got worried or if this is just becoming an unhealthy realtionship. I gotta tell the guys about this when she leaves the house cuz all of this is starting to scare me.

*Brianna's P.O.V.*

Today was the first day back to school. I was kinda excited I would get see my friends that I already saw everyday over the summer but still I was looking forward to Freshman year in high school. I wasn't very excited to see the kids that I don't get alnog with cuz there just messed up attention getting popular hoes. I really do hope that this year is drama free. Unlike last year with all the girl drama it was ridiculous to tell you the truth. Heres a run by on what basically happened. Megan was being a bitch and she wanted me to drop my best friend since 3rd grade. She said that people are scared to talk to me or even be my friend because Kylee is a scary emo gothic bitch. Which she is none of those things. She used my friend Dale who my friend Tori is currently dating I dropped Megan cuz I was tired of her and the stupid drama. She kept causing so much bull crap and she kept putting me in the middle of everything it got super annoying. I am still friends with all the other people except her. She even tried to change me. She was always like stop waring that ware this she tried to dress me like a slut. I wouldn't let her tho. When ever I came to school waring something with BVB stuff on it or WWE stuff she would be like what the fuck are you waring that isn't what I want you to ware ever. So I dropped her and I've had a good life since I dropped her. Today we got our extra scheduals in homeroom. The bell rang for the end of homeroom. I went to my first period class and I have Academic English. I saw Korey, Adam, Brandon (Tommy Lee's son), and Kody. This is gonna be a pretty good English class. We all compared scheduals and we have the same classes everyday this marking period. This is going to be fun.

*Ashley's P.O.V.*

We were all at Andy's house trying to figure out lyrics for a new song. Writting songs isn't always easy. We than heard the door open and we heard Brianna and Korey laughing. Brianna has finally moved her hair out of her face. There is nothing there now which is kinda strange because whatever was there, that she wouldn't let us see had to have been something bad. Andy asked them how school was and they both said it was awesome which they never say about school. Andy smiled and laughed. CC ran down the steps and gave Brianna and Korey a big bear hug it was really funny cuz Korey asked if CC is drunk and we all said no. Brianna told us about school and how they have the same classes with each other this marking period. Jake said "oh god I feel bad for your guys teachers now." Everyone laughed than Brianna and Korey went to get a snack. Brianna handed Andy and Juliet all the papers they had to fill out for her. I laughed as Andy looked at the big packet his parents always had to fill out. Brianna told Andy that if he needed help to call her Princible cuz he said he would help them since she told him what had happened. Andy said okay and gave a smile than he sighned all the course expectation sheets. Korey and Brianna than went into the basement when Andy was done sighning the course expectation sheets. We heard the basement door close and Jinxx giggled and said "they would make a cute couple but back to the song" next thing you know we hear a scream and than "Lights Go Out" by FOZZY just blare through the house we all burst out laughing. It than very quickly started to turn down and than Brianna screamed up the steps "sorry Korey thought it would be funny to try and make me go death my blaring the speaker right into my ear." We all laughed and Juliet started saying how Brianna and Korey would make a cute couple. CC than started talking about yesterday and how Kody had blown her phone up with missed phone calls every 10 minutes. Andy stared at CC in shock because Kody never calls Brianna that much. Everyone was getting courise with what is going on between the two of them. Andy said he will talk to Brianna but if she doesn't want to talk him about than CC is going to have to talk to her. Brianna tells CC almost everything. They have just become really good friends in the past few years its crazy, but also really cool and good that she talks to one of us about how she feels.

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