Chapter 8: What is going on?

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Chapter 8:

*Brianna's P.O.V.*

I was upstairs in my room with Korey and Luke when I hear the guys talking. I can't hear them well so I tell Korey and Luke I will be right back and that i'm just getting some water. They say okay and get back to there argument of who is better Batman or Superman. I'm walking down the steps as quietly as possible as a try to stay hidden. I than hear one of the guys say "What if we had one of the court guys come here and make it seem like he is a doctor and tell her that we called him here to make sure the maarks aren't getting any worse." When I heard this I was pissed I told Andy I didn't want to press charges but no he just doesn't seem to wont to listen to me. I was even more pissed off that they would actually think of some stupid idea that I know would never ever work even if I didn't know about the stupid plan. I than hear the door open and in walks Jon. I start to ask myself if Jon knows about the charges that the guys are putting on Kody. I am then broken from my thought as Jon says"Please tell me you guys are going through with this." At this point I am highly confused. Than it hits me Jon wants the guys to press charges on Kody, but what family member would want there own getting chaarges pressed against them like what the hell is this! I than hear someone come up behind me and scare me to death which makes me scream. Everyone than looks at me with a shocked face and then I hear Jake ask me what I am doing. I run down the steps and out the door. There is no way in hell I am doing this I just want to be away from Kody without any drama. Ashley and Andy are chasing after me and screaming my name. I keep running to god knows where. After about 20mins of running I find the park. This park isn't like any other park this is the park were I would go when ever I am stresesed out or need time to myself. I let all my tears out. The tears of fustration and sadness. Sadness because I miss my parents deeply and tears of fustraiton becuase I am mad at myself for ever thinking Kody would actually care about me the way I cared for him. I stay here until 5pm and then start to head home once my head is clear. I feel really bad for leaving the way I did I should have stayed so than they can explain, but I didn't even do that. Gosh I am a pain aren't I. Andy is gonna have a rough time raising me the way my parents would like mee to turn out. I walk through the door and stumble as CC almost tackles me to the ground. I flinch for some reason in fear, but CC just gives me a big CC hug. Andy see's me and says "I thought you ran away for good, you scared me, I thought I lost you." I walk over to Andy and hug him and tell him I would never leave for a stupid reason and I would have no where to go were I would be sent right back to you. I would never want to leave you guys ever! You guys are my family now why would I want to leave such an awesome family. Andy smiles and than Jake asks me how much I hear. I tell them all I heard and then Ash grabs my hand he sits me down and expalins everything. How Jon wants us to press charges so than Kody knows he can't do this ever agian and that its not right and how he just can't get off the hook with this one not know not ever. Andy than asked "Is it okay with you if we do this? What we are about to do is a team effort. We will be by your side every step of the way no matter what. But you need to understand that with these charges there is one rule. You can't back out we either do this or we don't." I look at Andy and nod my head and than say Yes, it is fine with me if you guys press the charges. Korey than say "Don't forget you have Luke, Adam, Brandon, me and Sammy." I give Korey and Luke a smile and hug them. They are alays here for me when times get tough. CC than says "so pizza or chinies?" Luke, Korey, and I all scream Chines! Everyone laughs and CC says "Chines it is" After dinner Luke Korey and Jon all leave. I head upstairs and get my stuff ready for tomorrow since I am going to be going shopping with Sammi, Juliet, Lauren, Ella, and Kina. I say goodnight to everyone and once my head hits the pillow I am out like a light.

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