⇢ new people

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s1, e1: first day of school


The new school year at Moordale Secondary School started. The excited students crowded the campus. Eric and Otis watched the students all over the campus and saw Maeve and you beside her walking towards the entrance. You had a genuine smile on your face, thinking about the changes that would occur in the new year.

Eric pointed at Maeve as he chatted with Otis. "Case in point, even Maeve Wiley's boobs have gotten bigger, which I thought was technically impossible." He said to Otis. "They look the same to me," Otis answered as they notice you beside her.

It wasn't usual at all to see you and Maeve together. Especially not in school, so it was definitely surprisingly shocking to the two boys. "Since when is she friends with that girl?" Eric questioned confused as to what Otis only shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, dude."

As the two of you walked past Ruby, Olivia, and Anwar, the so-called 'Untouchables', you tried your best to not get noticed or cause any attention but unfortunately, Maeve gets called names. She aggressively showed them her two middle fingers. "I'm glad you are friends with that hand whore." Ruby shouted after you. "Fuckers!" You shouted back angrily and flipped them off.

Maeve turned to you. "Don't say that. Aimee's with them." She said quietly. "I know. I just hate them so much, they need to know." You answered. You didn't have any encounters with Ruby or the rest of the group but you figured that eventually, something will happen again after you reconnected with Maeve. "Yeah but she's sensitive," Maeve told you and you continue walking into the building.


The students assembled for a gathering. Eric played the school's anthem off-key in front of the school to impress Swing Band. You were about to applaud but you noticed nobody but Otis applauded for his friend, so you quickly dropped your hands.

'It wasn't that bad considering that probably nobody else has any talents.' You thought while scoffing at everybody's bluntness.

"I'm sorry." Eric awkwardly apologized to everyone and left the stage. While Headmaster Groff presented the new school rules Eric received hate from the Swing Band.

Suddenly Rodrick stumbled into the assembly since he was late. Nobody really took notice. The chair beside you was free so he quickly sat down. You moved a little bit, smiling at him, giving him some space. Rodrick only now checks who he sat beside. 'Oh shit, that's the girl from the party...' He thought to himself as his eyes widened. He looked away to calm down but he told himself to talk to you somehow.

"Hey, uh, what is this about?" Rodrick asked you quietly making you look at him. "School updates. I don't know. Didn't really pay attention." You shrugged your shoulders and slightly smiled at him. Rodrick chuckled and focused on Mr. Groff.

Maeve noticed the boy sitting beside you and raised her eyebrows. She nudged you to tease you. "Who's that beside you?" She whispered and you slightly hit her arm. "Shut up."

"Calmly moving on. It is my great pleasure to introduce to you our brand-new head boy Jackson Marchetti." Mr. Groff said loudly gaining back your attention. The students cheered loudly, Eric screamed for Jackson. You applauded unbothered while Maeve actually was interested. Jackson danced on stage for a moment before announcing the new school year. "We are taking over." He said into the microphone.

A part of you expected him to actually have a speech. 'Was that really the only thing he had to say? Don't get me wrong he's funny and cool but popularity shouldn't be a character trait.' You didn't hate Jackson, you were just a little disappointed.

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