⇢ party

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s1, e2: aimee's party


You arrived at school walking through the hallway with one of your earphones in. You saw Adam talking to Kyle. Another guy passed them and gave Kyle a high five. "See you at Aimee's party, man!" The guy said as he walked away.

"Yeah," Kyle answered awkwardly. He continued walking as Adam stopped. He stopped you as you walked past him. You were pretty surprised by his actions. 'Why did he stop me? I thought he was too embarrassed to be friends with me. Why would he talk to me in the hallway?'

"Aimee's throwing a party?" Adam asked you quietly. You nodded confused. "Yeah, why are you asking?" Adam looked away. "She didn't invite me?" He said quietly and walked away, leaving you perplexed in the hallway.


You walked out of the classroom as the bell rang, dismissing everyone. You had your books in your arms pressed against your chest. Rodrick walked up behind you, catching you off guard. "Hey, y/n."

"Oh my god, you scared me." You gasped and held your book tightly. Rodrick chuckled which made you smile. Butterflies stormed both of your bellies. You found his smile adorably cute.

"What's up?" You asked him confidently. "I was wondering if you'll be at Aimee's party tonight." Rodrick scratched the back of his neck. "Of course. I'll never miss a party, duh."

The two of you walked a few meters to your locker, chatting about school things. You closed your locker as Rodrick saw his bandmates. "Oh, uh. I gotta go to my band. See you tonight?" He looked at you expectantly.

"Yeah." You nodded. Rodrick stopped leaning against the lockers. "I like your outfit, by the way." He winked at you and left, leaving you with heating cheeks.


Maeve sat with Otis and Eric on the stairs in front of the school building after a failed therapy session with Olivia. They argued about what to do. To get the sex therapy started, Maeve invited them to go to Aimee's party with her to try to get some clients.


You got dressed for Aimee's party. You had to go a bit later so that your parents wouldn't know. You climbed out of your window as usual and made your way to Aimee's house.

The house was obviously already crowded as you arrived. You walked into the house and looked for drinks. You spot Aimee already collecting empty beer bottles. She shouts at some drunk teenagers.

"Hey! Hey, can you do that outside, please? And not with the cushions." She shouted worriedly. Aimee didn't have good perseverance so you helped her scolding the drunk teens. "Go outside, idiots. Now." You said angrily and they walked out of the house.

"Thank you." Aimee sighed relieved. Then the untouchables walked up to you. You rolled your eyes and walked away.


You looked for Maeve but couldn't find her. But you saw Eric dancing beside the untouchables. "Y/n, nice to see you here," Eric said loudly. You smiled at him. "Nice to see you, too. You look great." Eric smiled widely.

"Do you know where I can get a drink?" You asked him. "Kitchen?" Eric said confused. You sighed and mentally face palmed yourself. "Oh, yeah."

"Where's your Romeo?" Eric raised one of his eyebrows as he asked you. "Romeo?" You said confused. Eric rolled his eyes. "This Rodrick dude, dummy."

"Oh, I don't know. I don't even know if he's here already." You said remembering he wanted to meet you at the party. "Well, you should look for him because I'm gonna talk to Anwar now," Eric said cockily. You raised your eyebrows. "Ok? Good luck..."

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