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s1, e5: eric's birthday


You and Maeve sat on a bench during the break. "How's things with Jackson?" You asked her. You avoided looking at Maeve and looked into your notebook. Of course, she was hanging around with him more often since they started dating. You didn't hate that, you were just kinda conflicted about him. "It's good. What about you and..." You turned to Maeve.

"Rodrick?" Maeve nodded. You shrugged your shoulders. "Aren't you guys dating?" You smiled shyly and shook your head. Maeve turned back to her assignment. "Well, you obviously like him. Go for it."

You thought about it for a second until Ruby and the rest of her group sat on the bench opposite you.

A picture of a vagina got sent all around the school that morning and everybody was talking about it. It had a countdown and threatened whoever it was.

The untouchables talked about who's vagina it could be. Anwar switched from looking at the picture and looking at you and Maeve.

"I can't tell if it's y/n's but it would make sense for a hand whore." Anwar said. "It's probably Maeve Wiley's. Anyone notice whether it had teeth?" Ruby snickered and Anwar chuckled.

Maeve flipped them off. She stood up and took her bag. "I need a smoke." She said to you. "Okay." You took your bag and started walking with Maeve.

"I'll go looking for Rodrick." You said and Maeve walked to the gymnasium on her own. You were headed to the school building.

"I've gotta go. See you tonight at Amy's." Ruby said to her friends, took her bag, and followed Maeve.


You met Rodrick at his locker. You talked about the leaked picture. "Damn. It's mean." Rodrick sighed. You agreed with him. "I mean, it's already humiliating for whoever it is." Rodrick continued. You looked at him confused.

"Everyone saw the picture already. We may not know who's it is but whoever it is knows. Like, she must be freaking out." He explained. You looked at him surprised. You didn't expect him to be sympathetic in that kind of situation.

"I didn't know that you're such a...good person." Rodrick raised his eyebrows. "Well, I'm full of surprises." He jokingly flirted.

"Wanna hang out today?" Rodrick asked you and you smiled at him. "Sure." Rodrick's eyes lit up. "I still have band practice later though."

"That's alright. I could wait in the art room." You said and Rodrick scoffed. "What else would you do?" You chuckled and nudged him.

"What are we gonna do?" You asked him and he thought for a second. "We could watch a movie at my place or something..." You looked at him surprised and nodded.

You didn't expect him to actually invite you to his house. "Sounds cool." The bell rang and you watched the students walking to their next class. You put your hand on his shoulders. "See ya then." You said and left.


You sat beside Eric in your next class. "Do you know what day is today?" You looked at him with raised eyebrows. "When you say it like that it must be a special day."

Eric nodded slightly. "Is it your birthday?" Eric nodded and smiled. You hugged him briefly. "Happy birthday, dude. Are you doing something today?"

"Yeah. I and Otis have this tradition every year." Eric explained his plan with Otis. "We gotta do something too. I hope you'll have a lot of fun with Otis." You said encouragingly.

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