⇢ jealousy

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*nsfw scene

s2, e1: chlamydia


"Enjoy the poverty shuttle!" Ruby yelled out of the car to Aimee who stood at the bus station. She sighed exhaustedly. Three minutes later the bus arrived.

A smiled crept on Aimee's face as she saw you sitting there with earphones in your ears. You smiled back and removed the earphones.

"Hey, Aimee. How's it going?" You asked her as she sat down beside you. "Ugh. Could be better. The bus isn't really my thing." She sighed but forced a smile afterward. Then Aimee noticed your new haircut. "I love your hair, y/n. Looks beautiful." You smiled and thanked her.

It was nice for you to have some company on the way to your school. You always wanted to ask Rodrick to drive you to school since he never brought it up but you didn't want to be a burden.


As you and Aimee arrived and walked to campus, you saw Rodrick's van harshly park in a parking spot. You stopped walking and wanted to wait for him. Aimee stopped as well. "Oh, we're waiting for your boyfriend?" She said quietly with a smile. You nudged her.

"Not my boyfriend....yet." You whispered and watched Rodrick and Ben getting out of the car. "Now please be quiet..." You added as the two boys walked towards you.

Rodrick had a big smile on his face and you could see his eyes lighting up. "Hey, Rodrick. How are you?" You asked him. He swung his arm around your shoulder to hold you close as you started walking towards the school building. "I'm great now that I'm with you, y/n." He squeezed your upper arm, then let go of you.

Aimee smirked at you as she saw your shy expression. Then you greeted Ben. Aimee excused herself as she saw her boyfriend Steve and left you with the two boys. "How's the band going, guys?"

"Pretty good, actually," Ben answered and Rodrick nodded. "Nice haircut, by the way. I like it." Rodrick said and smiled at you. "Thanks," You giggled. "My bother cut some strands with his kid scissors while I was sleeping so I had to do something with it..." You explained to them.

Ben chuckled while Rodrick's eyes widened. "I can't imagine your cute little brother doing that." Rodrick scoffed. "He did. Little kids are awful."

As you entered the building you were surprised to see students running around and screaming. Some were wearing face masks and you got worried.

"What the fuck's going on here?" Ben asked afraid. Then Simon walked up to you with a box of masks. "There's a chlamydia outbreak." He informed you then pointed at his box. "One for a fiver, three for ten." Ben was taking out his wallet but you stopped him from pulling out some money.

"Dude, you have to have sex with someone who has chlamydia to get chlamydia." You said and looked at Simon annoyed. "Keep it down. Don't ruin my business." He said and left you.

While everyone was freaking out you sighed and remembered that Maeve couldn't see what was happening at school. She was working at the mall at a pretzel shop.

And Adam was also gone. You figured that he actually got sent to military school since he didn't answer your texts anymore. You could've never imagined his father would do it. You believed he was only trying to intimidate Adam.


After an emergency assembly, everyone had calmed down. You and Rodrick walked together to class. He really wanted to put his arm around your shoulders but was too shy to do it in the hallway. And he was too confused.

Rodrick wasn't officially your boyfriend and he really wanted to be. But since you never brought it up he was afraid that you didn't like him like that. Rodrick was genuinely confused but okay with the situation as long as he got to spend time and do things with you.

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