⇢ happily ever after

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*nsfw scene

s1, e7: school dance


Every student was looking forward to the school dance, searching for dates. The ball theme was "happily ever after". Blue, purple, and pink decorations were all over the school building.

You weren't really into going to a ball with a date. It was a Cinderella theme, why do so many people like that? 'A poor pretty woman who is being abused by her family gets saved by a rich prince. Of course.' You thought as you saw the first poster advertising the ball.

You didn't like things like that. They were very cliché and boring. But if a certain someone would ask you to the ball you definitely wouldn't say no.


You couldn't deny that you had a crush on that silly drummer boy you started talking with after he had bumped into you. He sure was awkward but it was cute on him. You started to like every little thing about him. The way he always approached you, how messily his hair fell into his face, his smudgy eyeliner, and how proud and passionate he was about his band.

The only thing that made you worry was your own experience. Just before you met Rodrick you found out that you felt attracted to women and men. You weren't sure to label your sexuality since you had zero experience. How would you know what you want if you never had experienced anything? You also understood how critical heteronormativity was.

You did have a romantic relationship before but it was in 8th grade and it only lasted for less than two weeks. And that was definitely a waste of time. As an 8th grader, you knew nothing and so did your 'ex-boyfriend'.


You were walking through the hallway seeing all the color-coded decorations. You sighed and headed to the art room when suddenly Rodrick stopped you.

"Y/n." He said as you took out your earphones. "Yeah?" You smiled at him. Rodrick looked quite nervous. "I, um...I wanted to ask if you'd go to the dance with me?"

"The dance? I mean, I don't like the whole concept of this crap..." You furrowed your eyebrows and paused. Rodrick had a hopeful look on his face. "...but if you ask me like that..."

A smile crept on the boy's face. You got closer to flirt with him. "I can't decline you, Rodrick." You said and smirked at him. Rodrick couldn't get rid of the huge grin on his face.

"Let me join you in the art room," Rodrick said and walked beside you. "How do you know I'm going there?" You chuckled as you continued walking. "I know you, y/l/n." He winked at you and you giggled.

As you walked through the hallway you accidentally bumped into Ruby while joking and laughing with Rodrick. Your smile immediately dropped and Rodrick noticed it. "Watch where you going, hand whore." She spat and you rolled your eyes. Ruby also smiled and winked at Rodrick who just straight-up ignored her flirting. You continued walking without reacting to her.

"What was that?" Rodrick asked confused and you sighed. "That bitch Ruby is picking on me since primary school." You avoided looking at him. "What, why?" He chuckled. "It's actually quite stupid." You explained to him.


You just got into primary school. Your teacher had told every kid to sit in a circle and introduce themselves since a few kids were new in town and didn't know anyone. You had to say your name, your hobby, and a random fact about you. You were excited to introduce yourself and make new friends so you widely smiled as it was your turn. "Hello, my name is y/n, and I like to paint, and I learned how to give very good hand massages." Your mother was an underpaid esthetician back then and taught you a few things. You were extremely proud of yourself and thought it was the coolest thing. Unfortunately, the other kids didn't really react except for Ruby who just laughed. A few children joined and you were about to cry. "Um, y/n's mum is a good esthetician, guys..." your teacher tried to make you feel better but you just sat down and continued listening to the others.

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