⇢ play date

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s1, e3: sanitary products


You and Maeve sat in the gymnasium talking about the party. "So, I was helping Aimee clean up after the party..." You started to explain. Maeve nodded. "...and I found a positive pregnancy test in the bathroom beside the trash can." You whispered.

Maeve's eyes widened. "What?" You nodded. "Yeah, crazy right?" Maeve started biting her fingernail. "We shouldn't tell anyone. It goes around quickly." You pulled out a bag of baby carrots while listening to Maeve.

"The school would go crazy." Maeve continued. 'She's always so nice and smart.' You thought while eating your carrots. "I wasn't going to tell anyone but you, tho." You bit into another carrot and looked out of the window.


You and Maeve sat together at the assembly. Mr. Groff informed his students about a charity event for "sanitary products" in Uganda. Maeve gave him a thumbs up.

"So, how're things with Jackson?" You whispered to her. You weren't really happy that your best friend started things with an asshole like him. Jackson only cared about his reputation.

"He's good in bed. That's it." You nodded. "What about you and that dude?" Maeve didn't look at you while talking. "His name's Rodrick." You corrected her.

Maeve rolled her eyes. "Rodrick. Okay." You shrugged your shoulders. "We are talking." Maeve nodded not focusing on the conversation. "Hm. Can we meet this afternoon?" Maeve asked. You thought for a second.

"I don't know. I wanted to stay here for my art project and I probably have to babysit my brother later." Maeve nodded, chewing on her fingernail. The headmaster dismissed everyone. You and Maeve parted your ways in the hallway. Maeve excused herself and walked up to Otis. You made your way to class and saw Eric at his locker.


You and Eric walked through the hallway to get to your next class. You saw Rodrick standing at the lockers with his friends. "What's with your drummer boy?" Eric suddenly asked you. "Huh?"

"Are you like...a thing?" Eric rose his eyebrows. "Dude, I don't even know him that much." Rodrick stopped you and interrupted your conversation. "Hey, Y/n."

You and Eric stopped walking. Rodrick cleared his throat before he continued talking. "You could see my band rehearsal in school after class." You smiled slightly. "Uh, yeah. I was going to stay at school and work for my art anyway."

Rodrick's eyes lit up. "Great. I'll text you." Rodrick winked at you and walked away with his bandmates.

"That is totally a date." Eric scoffed. You rolled your eyes. "Shut up. He just invited me to watch his band." Eric laughed as you walked into class.


Eric interrupted your focus on the class. "You could tell me what happened at Aimee's party," Eric whispered. "Huh? What do want to hear?" You asked confused. "What happened with you and your rockstar boy." You gave him a confused look.

"Well, first of all, you were in the backyard alone with him, and secondly, you walked home together." Your cheeks warmed up, remembering how you smoked with him. Eric giggled. "Oh, something must've happened. Look at you." The teacher shushed Eric.

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