⇢ flasher

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s1, e1: second day of school


You hurry to take the first bus to school. As you walked to the bus stop you lit up a cigarette. Your bag was hanging on one shoulder and your hair fell into your face. You saw the bus and threw away your cigarette to enter.

The bus arrived at school quickly, making you too early for class. You sat at the entrance of the old gymnasium, listening to music out of your headphones. Again, you took out your pack of cigarettes and opened it. You thought about smoking another one. You kinda felt disgusting about it. You've already smoked one. Where will your stamina be in a few years?

You put the box back into your backpack and fixed your messy hair strands.

As more students arrived, you walked into the building. Rodrick had arrived and saw you. He wanted to approach you and walked a little quicker. In the school hall, you stood at your locker and got out your books for class. As you turned around and closed it, you accidentally bumped into him, nearly dropping your books.

"Oh, fuck. I'm sorry." Rodrick said embarrassed with wide eyes. "It's okay." You smiled at him as you tried your best to not let your books slip out of your arms. Rodrick's knees got weak as he saw your smile. He quickly walked away to his science class to avoid more awkwardness. 'Who is that dude?' You thought as you scoffed and watched him walk away.

Rodrick sat at a table alone, focusing on his phone. 'She probably thinks I'm super weird, fuck.' He doubted himself. He just wanted to make a good impression on you.

You entered the same classroom and smiled to yourself as you noticed the same guy sitting in your science class. You walked up to him making his head shoot up and eyes widen.

"This seat's free, right?" You asked him and he nodded his head rapidly. You sat down beside him, placing your books on the table. Rodrick put away his phone. You wanted but didn't know how to start a conversation.

"You're the guy who came late to the assembly, right?" You felt awkward but you said it with confidence as you turned to him. "Yeah. I'm Rodrick." He tried his best to hold eye contact. "I'm y/n." You introduced yourself.

Eric arrived a little later in the same classroom. You waved at him and he sat down at the table in front of you. Then Adam walked in a little later and sat beside Eric. Mr. Hendricks gave everyone a vagina labeling assignment, that you have to do together. Rodrick felt a bit embarrassed to say anything.

"You don't need to be embarrassed, dude." You whispered to him and chuckled. You wrote your name on the paper, Rodrick did the same after you. "I'm not embarrassed. I just don't know." Rodrick scoffed and tried to sound confident.

You slowly explained everything to him, without being shy. Rodrick watched you writing down everything. To him, you looked cute while you were focused. 'She even has a little mole on her cheekbone. And her hair, it looks like it smells really good.' Rodrick cringed at his own thoughts. He had just learned your name and is now officially your simp?

You finished the assignment and packed your things. "Did you know that I'm in a band?" Rodrick said proudly and smiled at you. You chuckled and decided to tease him. "A real band or school band?" You said while packing the books into your bag.

Then you turned back to Rodrick, completely focusing on him. You now really took a look at his face for the first time. 'Is he wearing eyeliner? It looks so good on him, even a little hot, ngl. And he has a few cute moles on his face. He really looks adorable with his shaggy hairstyle.'

"Well, a real one but we practice a lot at school..." Rodrick said embarrassed and you giggled. "That's cool actually. What do you play?" Rodrick's eyes lit up as he noticed your interest. "I'm a drummer."

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