⇢ busted

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*nsfw scene

s2, e4: quiz heats!


You sat at a picnic table working on some assignments during your break. It was rather warm outside, the sun shining against the lunchbox beside you, reflecting light hitting the corner of your eye.

You were actually waiting for Maeve or Aimee to show up but the second you put your earphones in you forgot about them. You were so focused, that you didn't even notice Jackson sitting down beside you.

With wide eyes, you looked up at him, removing your earphones. "Hey, y/n..." He mumbled a little. Jackson was actually happy to catch you alone right after his theater practice. Ever since he had joined theater class he started seeing his high school presence a little different.

"Oh, hey." You said surprised, putting away your assignment. "What's up?" You tried sounding curious but you were really confused. Being in Jackson's presence made you feel nervous.

The boy took a deep breath before he started talking. "I, um..." Jackson looked away for a second then looked back at you. "I'm gonna be straightforward now. I'm so sorry."

You furrowed your eyebrows. "Sorry about what?" You mumbled to which he scoffed. "I'm sorry that I was such an asshole to you." Jackson sighed before continuing. "I was so stupid for letting an awesome friend like you go and I really regret dropping you like that."

"Jackson-" You got cut off by him immediately. "I don't expect you to just let me be your friend again. I would understand that you're angry with me. But I'd like to be your friend again."

You took a second to answer him. "Jackson, I'd love to be your friend again. I kinda missed you." You mumbled your last sentence to which he chuckled. "Thank you!" He said extra loudly, just him being Jackson.

He made you laugh which made him extremely happy. It's been a while since you two were laughing together. It definitely warmed both of your hearts.

At the same time, Rodrick and his friends, Chris and Ben, met up on campus. His bandmates were first to notice you and Jackson together. "Oooh, there's your girlfriend..." Ben said teasingly, pressing his elbow into Rodrick's arm.

"Have you said the big L-word yet?" Chris asked seriously which caught Rodrick's attention. He avoided their eye contact and slowly shook his head.

"Oh? So it is a big deal." Ben said dumbly which made Chris scoff. "Hell yeah, it is. When I told my girl I love her, we made sweet love the whole night." Chris started explaining, thinking back to that time. "That was a long night, man."

Then both of them noticed Rodrick's odd behavior. He wasn't engaging in the conversation and waited for the topic to change. "Wait, a minute. Hold on." Chris caught his attention. "You and y/n haven't done it yet?"

Rodrick scoffed and looked at Chris smugly. "Yes, we did, dude. Leave it." He tried shrugging them off but Ben started analyzing his actions and reactions. "Ohh, did something happen? Or why are you acting like this?"

"Something embarrassing? Humiliating? Kinky?" Chris involved himself. "I said leave it." Rodrick tried being serious but his bandmates noticed something was wrong with him. "Come on you can tell us. We're your friends." Chris put his hand on Rodrick's shoulder, trying to comfort him.

"Your only friends, if I'm right..." Ben mumbled after Chris, ruining the serious tension. "I accidentally called her...something. And I think she's weirded out now." Rodrick told them quietly.

"What the fuck did you say??" Ben looked at him with wide eyes, a little amusement showing. "It doesn't matter!" Rodrick whisper-yelled at him. "Uh, yes, it does. If you called her something degrading during sex without a warning it could be bad. Like...bitch..." Ben said seriously.

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