⇢ celebration

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(tw: mentions of sa)

*nsfw scene

s2, e3: the bus


You quickly rushed downstairs with your bag hanging on one of your shoulders, nearly slipping off. "Honey, rushing doesn't matter anymore. The bus is already gone." Your mom said as you grabbed a bottle of water and your breakfast.

"I know. I'm gonna get picked up by Rodrick." You said breathlessly. Your dad was preparing your brother for kindergarten in the car as your mom took the last things she needed for work. "Alright." She said quietly.

"Do you have any news for me maybe?" She suddenly asked you, grinning widely. Your cheeks heated up immediately and your eyes widened. "Hm?" Words couldn't leave your mouth at that moment. "Something new about Rodrick?"

"Oh, yeah. We're dating now." You acted confident about it and avoided looking at your mother. "Really?! Oh, my God. That's awesome!" She joined you in the kitchen and hugged you tightly. "Mum, come on." You said as she squeezed you.

Then your parent's car honked. "Oh, I got to go. Have a great day at school!" Your mum said while rushing out of the house. You let out a deep breath you didn't know you were holding in as soon as the front door closed.

You quickly ate your breakfast and put your water into your bag, knowing Rodrick wouldn't make it on time. Thinking about Rodrick sent tingles all over your body. You found yourself not being able to stop smiling as you were daydreaming about him.

The honk of Rodrick's van disturbed your thoughts and you got ready to go. Before you left the house you grabbed a cookie from the big plate that your mother baked the day before and went to his van.

"Hey, beautiful..." Rodrick smirked at you as you sat in the passenger's seat. "Hey, handsome..." You said back and pecked his lips. "I missed you, y/n." Rodrick exhaled and couldn't stop looking at you. "I missed you, too." You caressed his jaw with your right hand.

Then you showed him the cookie. "I brought you something." Rodrick's smile widened as he took the cookie and stuffed it into his mouth. "Thank you. I skipped breakfast today and I really needed that." He said with a full mouth while starting the car. "I thought so."

Getting to school with Rodrick was new and you loved it. He also loved it. He enjoyed doing things for you and helping you out, making your life easier. And he still couldn't believe that you agreed on being his girlfriend. Both of you were seeing the world out of rose-colored glasses.

You looked out of the window as Rodrick focused on the road. Your eyes widened as you saw Adam in his driveway, cleaning his dad's car as you passed him. He looked very different. His hair was cut off completely. He now had a buzzcut but he still wore the same clothes. You were extremely confused and wanted to get back in contact with him.


It was already your third class and you haven't seen Maeve or Aimee yet. You checked your phone occasionally since you were bored to death. You had this class with Maeve actually but she wasn't there.

As you saw the date on your phone, you remembered it was Maeve's birthday and felt bad for forgetting it. You thought about texting her but you rather wanted to say "happy birthday" personally.

You just didn't know that they weren't at school anymore. Aimee got sexually assaulted on the bus that morning and Maeve got her to go to the police station to report it.

As soon as that class ended, you made your way to the reading room, looking for Maeve or Aimee.


Jackson walked through the hallways. He was on his way to the Romeo and Juliet play information assembly because he thought about auditioning but as he saw his swimming team approaching him he quickly hid behind a wall.

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