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"Theodore?" I ask.

"Correct darling."

"Not your darling," I roll my eyes.

"Oh but you are, or will be in a few days." I can hear the smirk spread across his face.

"Don't call me darling, or any other pet names," I say.

"Who's Elijah? You cheating on me?"

"Don't worry about who it is, and we're not even together for me to cheat on you." I take the phone from my ear to hang up but quickly bring it back.

"How'd you get my number?"

"I'm part of the mafia hun."

"So am I, but how because you don't seem like a computer genius."

"Your father gave it to me."

"Of course he did, bye asshole." I hang up the phone.

As I'm about to walk back into the room, I dial another number. I press call and put it to my ear, letting it ring.


"Elijah, hey."

"Piper? Why are you calling me?"

"Nothing, I-I just got a unknown call and thought it was you," I whisper.

"Did you say my name?"

"Yeah, but I'm just hoping that they'll forget it."

"Who did it end up being?" Elijah asks.

"Theodore," I say.

"Who's Theodore? Not the Nott guy right?"

"Yeah, him. I was going to tell you later on, but guess I might as well tell you now." I make my way to the meeting room.

"Tell me what?" He asks, suspicion filled in his voice.

"My father is forcing me to marry."

"Marry?! Who?"

"Theodore Nott," I say.

"You're kidding right? This is crazy!"

"I know, trust me. I don't want to do this but I have no other choice."

"Why not tell your father about me? We've been dating in secret for almost 2 years, why not just get married to me?"

"I would if I could, but I can't, it's a tradition for someone in the mafia to get married to another person in the mafia, but I'm getting married to someone outside of mine." I sit on the edge of the window.

"This bullshit Piper."

"I know, I'll call you soon okay?"

"Okay, I love you."

"Me too." I hang up the phone. I put the phone beside me and just look out at the moon.

I hear footsteps and slowly move my hand to my thigh, I pull my gun out from my gun holder wrapped around my thigh. I stand up and turn around as quickly as I can, pointing the gun and unlocking the safety.

I look and see Kayla Stone holding her hands up while smirking at me. I sigh before putting the gun back.

"Kayla? What are you doing here?" I sit back down.

"Looks like I missed the meeting," she says sitting down beside me.

Kayla Stone.

One of the best assassins that we have, knife throwing being the best thing she can do. She was this badass that didn't let anyone talk down to her. She talked back to David once and got herself thrown out for a few days, but he realized that he needed her back. No one dares talk down to her anymore, she may seem like a bitch but she still has a big heart.

Family is what she values most, she started in the mafia by wanting to make good money for the sake of her family, even if it's dirty money. Just to provide she got into killing. But even after she got stupid rich she stayed.

She's also like a friend of mine, she's there when I need to talk about mafia stuff. Even if I have Kelly, Kayla can relate to me more, since she's in the mafia herself.

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