t w e n t y ~ f i v e

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I groan as I wake up, my head pounding from a headache. I move my hand to rub my head but I can't move my hand, I open my eyes fully and take in the bright light above me. I look around and see Pansy and Pierce tied up in a chair in front of me, I look down to see myself tied up in a chair. 

I roll my eyes at the thought of my father and what he did last night, speaking of, what happened to mom? Did he end up killing her? Or did he let her go?

I get snapped out of my thought from a door slamming shut, I look up and see Sebastian making his way to us.

Just then Pierce and Pansy wake up, they look around too and eventually connect the dots.

"What do you want?" I spit at him.

"Power, it's all I ever wanted," he smirks.

"You own the second largest mafia, is that not enough for you!?"

"Quite frankly, no," he chuckles.

"Where's mom?" Pierce asks.

"She's fine, not the pressing issue at the moment."

"Let us go!" Pansy yells.

"No, I need something, and I need her for it," he says pointing at me.

"You have me, let them go!" I plead.

"That's the thing, they ruined the plan." He sits down in front of the three of us.

"It was just supposed to be Piper who went to pick your mother up, but she brought you two along. So now if I let you go then you'd tell people of her whereabouts and I'll get caught, and we don't want that."

"What do you need? I'll give you what it is just let us go, and mom."

"That's no fun," he pouts.

"Let us go you psycho!" I yell and he stands up and slaps me.

"That's no way to speak to your father!"

"You stopped being my father the moment you became so mafia absorbed!" I yell at him.

"Just tell us what you need," Pierce says.

"I need a file, your mother gave it to Theodore's mafia, I needed that file and she just gave it away like a piece of dirt."

"What's in the file?" Pansy questions.

"Something important," he says.

Just as I open my mouth to talk, shots are fired. Sebastian gets his gun from his suit and holds it up, he slowly walks to the door. He opens the door and walks out.

"You think they found us?" Pierce questions.

"Most likely, let's go," I say as I get up from the chair.

"How the fuck did you get out?" Pansy questions.

"I broke the rope long time ago, just needed to know what he needed," I shrug helping them out the ropes.

The three of us walk to the door, I look out and see nobody so we walk out, then more shots get fired. We start to run to the exit, but before we can I suddenly fall to the ground.

I look down at my stomach and see that I got shot, I hold the wound as Pansy and Pierce kneel down to me.

"Go! Leave! I'll be fine!" I yell at them.

"We're not leaving without you!"

"You need to!" I yell and they hesitate but they leave.

"Stay awake for me, my love."

That's the last thing I hear before my vision goes completely dark.

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