t w e n t y ~ s i x

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I open my eyes and see white light everywhere, did I die?

"My baby!" A voice yells from the door.


And before I know it I'm crushed in a hug by Pansy, I hug her back and we stay like that for a few minutes before she pulls away.

"You're finally awake," she smiles sitting on my bed.

"What happened?" I ask, but my voice is just above a whisper and raspy.

"You got shot, and you've been in a coma," she says sadly holding my hand.

"For how long." I ask.

"3 weeks, we didn't know if you would wake up or not."

"Where's Pierce?"

"At home, he finally went home after the 3 weeks."


"Theo? He never left, would refuse every time I told him to go, he's sleeping right now."

"He's been here this whole time?"

"Yeah," she says.

"Kelly? Kayla?"

"Kelly came as soon as she heard, but she had to go for her mom. And Kayla is at my house right now."

"At your house? You moved out?" I smile.

"Yeah, she moved in with me."

"After 3 weeks? Wow."

"Yeah, now let me go get your husband," she smirks.

She leaves the room and I look at the ceiling, I close my eyes and my grandma appears back into my mind. Then I hear a loud crash and look at where the crash came from, I look to see Theo at the door and a vase broken on the floor.

He rushes to my bedside, he holds my hand with one of his hands and his other on my face.

"How are you?" He whispers.

"I'm okay," I get out.

"Just okay?"

"Just okay," I shrug.

"You've been here the whole time?"

"N-yeah, I couldn't leave without knowing if you were okay or not."

"Theo. Are you catching feelings for me?" I tease him like I did when Celia and Elijah let us go.

"Yes, and I'm not scared to say it."

"What? I was just jo-" I get cut off by his lips on mine, I wrap my arms around his neck. My heart monitor beeping rapidly.

He pulls away and his lips are swollen.

"Let's not scare the doctors," he jokes.

"So you have feelings for me?"

"Yeah, you?"

"Yeah, I guess. I just didn't know how you'd feel so I didn't say anything," I shrug.

"Now that we feel the same way, be my girlfriend?"

"Theo, we're married," I laugh holding my left hand up to show him the ring.

"Like you've said a million times before, you're not my actual wife, so let's start from the beginning." He says then leaves the room.

He renters and comes beside me making me hold back a laugh.

"Hi, I'm Theodore Nott, I saw you from the window and thought I should introduce myself, nice to meet you." He holds his hand out.

"Theo," I start but he cuts me off.

"Go with it."

"Okay, I'm Piper Parkinson, nice to meet you too," I smile shaking his hand. Before he can pull his hand back I pull him down and kiss him.

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