Bruno Tate's Connection

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The bell rang telling you that class was over. You stood from your desk and walked to the picnic table you always sat at with Cindy. She wasn't at school today, and you tried messaging her, but she only replied one time. And during that one time, she had said she was tired and would sleep for most of the day. You wished her sweet dreams and continued with your day until now when you were left alone at lunch. 

   ' This is how I wanted to spend my lunch, alone. '

You started eating the food you brought and stayed within your thoughts. You didn't want to think about Ji-Young or anything that had to do with dreams. You didn't like thinking about it, or about Ji-young at all. As you ate another bite you felt your phone vibrate. You took your phone into your hands and answered the call.

   " Hello? "

   " Is this y/n? "

   " Yes, Is this Detective Bruno? "

   " It is. I wanted to check on you and see how you and your brother are doing. "

   " I thought that eleven-thirty am was a working hour. What are you doing checking up on me? "

   " Technically this is work-related. I am checking on the victim to make sure they are okay and not in a state of disaster. I'm also on my lunch break. "

   " I'm doing fine. So, is my brother who is at work. "

   " Good, I'm glad everything is going alright for you two. The doctors are still examining your mother's mental health and we won't see results in a few days. "

   " Alright, but shouldn't you be telling my brother this? He is older out of the two of us. "

   " He wouldn't pick up his cell. "

   " I see. Has there been anything about Laura, Jean, and Sam? "

   " Their case has been closed. It was ruled towards a bodily function that killed them. "

   " But there was nothing wrong with their bodies. "

   " That may be true but it's all we can say it is. There were no physical damages to say it was a murder and there was nothing indicating suicide. So, it was all we could and rule it as a bodily function. "

   " Detective Bruno, I have a question. "

   " Bruno is fine. What is your question? "

   " How are you a police officer? "

   " Excuse me? "

   " What I mean is, you look too young to be a police officer. It looks like you're just a year or two older than me. "

   " It's because I am. In your file, it says you're eighteen. I am twenty. "

   " How did you get through police academy that fast and acquire a detectives position? "

   " Well, I attended a police academy was a few months and after I graduated from there I started working in the police force. I started out working in a cop car and then I progressed from there for a year and a few months and then I got my position. It didn't take that long. "

   " I would have thought it would take you a long time. "

   " It's a lot of training, I can tell you that. "

   " Alright, well I have to go, Bruno. The bell just rang and I need to get to class. "

   " Be a good student. Don't be late. "

   " Were you ever late to a class? "

   " Once or twice. "

   " Then I think I can be late once. Goodbye. "

You hung up on Detective Bruno and walked back into the school. You set your lunchbox in your locker and ran to your classroom. When you entered the teacher wasn't there to identify you as late, so you took your seat. This class was really studying hall so you always would take a nap in this class. But lately, you didn't feel like sleeping. 

You grabbed your notebook and decided to doodle some pictures until study hall ended. Your pencil was sharp and it made neat and curved lines. You didn't really know what you were drawing, but it kept you from sleeping. You didn't really like the fact that you decided not to sleep, because of some dream man. You wanted to but avoided it when you could.

In the police station, Bruno Tate was looking over your file, along with many other files and papers on his desk. Some files were over your mother and brother while the others were of Laura, Jean, and Sam. He felt like somehow everyone was connected. He looked up to his board of information. On the board were pictures and newspaper cuttings. 

There was also string connecting from some clippings to the next. He needed to find a connection somehow because his gut was telling him that all the victims were connected. He just needed to find what that connector was.

To Sleep or to Be Awake ( Yandere Dream Demon x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now