Chapter 36- The Photo Of Truth

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"You say it's all in my head
And the things I think just don't make sense
So where you been then? Don't go all coy
Don't turn it round on me like it's my fault
See I can see that look in your eyes
The one that shoots me each and every time"


She was pretty, to say the least. Her hair smelled like chocolate, no, strawberries. Maybe chocolate covered strawberries. Her eyes could melt you once she made eye contact with you. Her hair was soft like feathers and her skin was as pale as milk.

Ofcourse, I'm way out of her league and she has a crazy possessive boyfriend.

I used to have someone. A girl with silky blond hair. Her name was Sofia but she left. The reason? She made it pretty clear that photography isn't a real career and she left with my bestfriend in Paris. Haven't heard from him or her since then. Not that I wish to, anyway. That's why I didn't really wanted to go to Paris in the first place but my dad insisted on it, so, here I am.

She was nice at first, Sofia, until she only spent time with my bestfriend and they only hung out together, without me. I took it as a friendly gesture, until I actually saw them doing it in my car. I never spoke a thing about it and it was like it never happened. After that incident we dated for two more weeks until she dumped me. I didn't suffer a lot nor was I surprised by her outcome. I knew that sooner or later she will get bored and leave.

I don't wish to be with Emma. I only have this strong desire to protect her and be there for her, like a brother, not lover. Even though we met a few hours ago, the feeling of protectiveness is there and I can't deny it. Is it weird? Maybe. Do I care? Not a lot.

I'll be your friend, Bella.

Emma's POV

"Remember, there's a party on the rooftop at 8 p.m. tonight." I explained to Adam as we were having lunch in the hotel's restaurant.

"Do you really want to go?" he questioned as I took small bite out of my pasta and shrugged.

"Not really, but Skylar will kill me if she has to go alone and I prefer to be alive, you know?" I chuckled and played with my fork for a while as the clock finally hit 4 p.m. which meant that we can finally go out and explore the wonders of Paris.

"Well, you will kill me if I don't go. Can't we just cuddle and watch a movie?" he groaned as I giggled and took his hand into mine as we made our way out of the restaurant.

"Why are you laughing, hoodie girl?" he asked as he got closer to me.

His breath was so hot that it sent shivers down my spine and it could made me blush like a field full of tomatoes.

"I love it when you blush." he mumbled as he kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back slowly. He pushed me against the nearest wall and I gasped as the hard surface of the wall made contact with my back.

"Hey! This is a hotel! There are people all around you, have some respect!" Yelled Ms. Smith as Adam carried me to my room while we were still kissing. How? I have no idea because my eyes were closed.

I heard him take my keys out of my bag and then then he went to open the door only to push my back against it since my legs have been around his torso.

Suddenly, I was thrown onto the bed as our lips disconnected.

"God, I've been waiting for this since this trip started." Exclaimed Adam excitedly as he took his shirt off. I took my jeans and hoodie off along with my shirt so, now, I was only wearing my black lingerie set. When he was about to take his belt off the lights opened.

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