Chapter 24- Here we go again

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You left right when I needed you the most.

Emma's POV

Suddenly he pulled away. He let go of my hands and started shaking his head. My world broke down as his eyes went cold and a frown appeared on his face.

"What's wrong?" I asked with tears in my eyes, my hands frozen in place, not being able to take in the rejection.

"We can't do this, this never happened." He said while still shaking his head. My heart shattered when he said that and my body felt like it was dying again and again. The words went through my head like a song on repeat.

"W-what?" I asked with tears in my eyes.

"I'm sorry, it's not you, it's me. I can't do this." He said and then he left. He left me there.

Why? Why did this had to happen to me? I thought that maybe he liked me but yeah , I guess he doesn't.

Adam's POV

I can't do this. I don't deserve her. She needs someone better. Not a boy who was sent away in 9th grade for fighting and drinking.

I was a mess at that time. She doesn't need someone like me to break her heart. I know that she likes me, but my feelings are kind of messed up.

What was in my head? Inviting her to the ball? I really need to stay away from her. Maybe she'll find someone better.

When I was little I used to be friends with everyone and smile and laugh. That was until my dad started hitting my mom when I was seven.

One day he started hitting her in front of me and I couldn't take it anymore. I sat in front of my mother and started screaming at him. He slapped me. That's when my mom called the cops.

He got arrested and since then I haven't seen him. After that my mom married Tom and they had Anna but then Tom sent me to the military school in 9th grade and apparently things didn't work out pretty well and mom got a divorce.

I can't like or love anyone, I don't want to like Emma because in the end all I'm good at is breaking people.

That's what my father used to say. That I'm always going to end up just like him. He wasn't my father. The only parent I had was my mom.

My father died the night he started hitting my mom. My mom used to lock herself in the bathroom holding me in her arms and crying. He would come home and my mom wouldn't get out of the bathroom until late at night.

I hate him for doing this to her. I hate myself because he was right, I ended up just like him.

Emma makes me a better person, but I can't risk for her to be heartbroken because of me. I can't be selfish with her. If me being away from her means that she will be happy than that's what I'm going to do.

Emma's POV

I couldn't believe it. He left me there. I had to ask Skylar for a ride and she took me home.

My mom tried to talk with me but I didn't feel like talking with anyone right now.

I sat in my bed with Snow, my kitten. My mom got her for me on my birthday. She is so fluffy, she has white fur and blue eyes. I smiled as she sat in my lap.

"Snow, do you think that I'm a bad person?" Great, now I was talking with my cat. She didn't say anything. She just put her paw over my hand.

"I tried to get over his death, believe me, I really tried but it's so hard to get over two people at the same time."

I looked outside and sighed looking at the moon that was shining bright in the dark night.

I closed my eyes thinking about my kiss with Adam.


I woke up screaming and crying. I had another nightmare. My mom entered my room and she had a baseball bat in her hand.

"Oh, honey, did the nightmares came back?" She asked sad as she sat in my bed.

"No." I mumbled. I was still shaking and my pillow was full with my tears.

"That's it, I'm calling doctor Osler." No. Not her. She was my therapist 3 years ago. After a month talking with her my mom taught that I was getting better but in reality my nightmares were worse after a day talking with her.

"No, please don't call her." I said as I hugged my pillow.

"Last time you went to her you didn't have nightmares anymore." She said smiling.

Yeah, about that, I lied to you just so that I could get rid of her stupid questions and her face. She was always smiling. It was so creepy, like, I bet that if she would look in a mirror she would run away and never look into a mirror again.

"Ok, I'll do it, but just a week." I said already aware of what I've gotten myself into.

"Great." She said and then hugged me.

After that I went back to sleep.


Great. Here we go again. I opened the door to her office and sat down on a chair. I took a toy out from a box and she just looked at me with that creepy smile on her face.

"Hello." She said still smiling.

"Hi." I whispered.

"So, your mom told me about your nightmares. Since when did they started again?" I hate when she asks me questions.

"Not so long ago." I lied while smiling. My smile was faker than her bag. I wanted to just get out here but if I do that my mom would just send me back here so I'll just pretend that I'm fine and that I don't need a therapist.

"You know, it's not good to lie." Wait, what? How did she knew.

"I took some classes and believe me, I had a lot of teenagers with issues like you and you're not the first that lied about not having nightmares. " Yeah, I'm out of here.

"Don't think about leaving because we still have 55 minutes." I tried opening the door but it was locked. This is a nightmare. I need to get out of here.

"Sit down and let's talk." I sighed and sat back down playing with the ball that I've gotten from her box.

"You know, that's an anxiety toy, let's start with that." She was writing down in her notebook. And all I did was blinking to see if I was dreaming. Nope, I wasn't dreaming.


After 55 minutes I got out of there crying. Yeah, when she started asking me about Adam I started crying and holding my knees to my chest.

That's what she does, she makes you cry and get everything out and then she starts asking you questions knowing that you'll answer truthfully just because you're in a weak state.

My mom picked me up and I was still crying. She was talking with me but I couldn't hear her. All I was hearing was me crying and my heart breaking every time I was thinking about Adam.


Hi guys, short chapter. I'm sorry if you didn't like this chapter.

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Xoxo- Cat lover 💜

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