Chapter 17- The Betrayal

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"Sometimes we need to get hurt to face what was right in front of us."

Emma's POV

"Adam?" I asked as I came closer.

He didn't move. He stood still, hands on his head and his elbows on his knees. If it weren't for his black hair I wouldn't have been abled to recognize him.

"ADAM!" I exclaimed, louder this time. His face formed into a frown as I took a step back. He was mad. His eyes held anger and lust in them.

"How was your fucking date with prince charming?" He asked while his eyes were focused on my outfit. My eyes couldn't find his. He was trying to hold back his anger by grabbing my blanket in his fist.

Why would he want to know how my date with Dylan go? It's not like he is my boyfriend or my brother. The darkness around him made the atmosphere feel a little scary. I moved past my backpack and sat down on the floor as I looked at Adam. Was I afraid? I don't know. I feel scared. Not for myself but for him.

"You know his name." I sighed as he got up, making me flinch. I wanted to look down, to make myself invisible but something made me stop. It was like my eyes stopped working.

"I don't like him." He stated with a frown as his hand turned into a fist. He took a step forward and my breathe stopped. He sat down, in front on me, on my carpet.

"Why not?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. I'm not going to let him intimidate me like this.

"Because, he has you." He whispered with a low voice as his eyes looked away from mine. That voice showed sadness and frustration. His eyes held nothing but regret and realization.

"I'm not an item, Adam." I said with a small laugh trying to lighten up the mood but it seemed like I just made him more miserable.

"What's this all about?" I asked as I made my way to my bed. I sat down while looking at Adam.

"There's this girl..." He said with a small smile on his lips but then looked down at his hands as he sighed.

"A girl? Emily?" I asked with a frown. Don't get me wrong but, I don't exactly like her. He shook his head and got up from the carpet. I looked at him curious as he sat next to me. My eyes never lost his.

"No, this girl is the sweetest girl I've ever met. She is kind, makes stupid jokes, she laughs at almost anything and she always brightens up the mood. I can't stay without her." He said with a smile playing on his lips. Well, lucky girl.

"Wow, it must be a special girl then, who is she?" I asked, wanting too see if I know her. Well, goodluck mysterious girl, you're going to need it. Adam is a complicated boy. He never shows any emotions but when he does it kills him from the inside.

"You don't know her, she's not from our school." He sighed and looked down in disappointment. In laid down on my bed and focus my eyes to the ceiling. When I painted my room I painted small glow in the dark stars.

"Can I stay?" He suddenly asked. I yawned and thought of it for a while. Why would he want to stay? Wasn't he mad at me not a long time ago?

"Here?" I asked, sleepy.

"Yeah..." He said while looking down. Should I say no? Should I say yes? He feels lonely at the moment and well, he's annoying but I feel bad for him.

"I don't know..." I answered but he cut me off.

"I won't do anything, I promise." He said while playing with his hands. I laughed then shrugged as I thought about it once again.

"Fine, but you are sleeping on the couch." I said making my final decision. I got up and looked through my room to find a blanket and a pillow.

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