Chapter 3- I Love You Most

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I knew I loved you then,
But you'd never know
'Cause I played it cool
When I was scared of letting go- James Arthur


When I opened my eyes I was met with the face of an angel. Her hair was spread all over the pillow as she held on to me with her small arm, wrapped up around my arm.

She looked so peaceful, so beautiful. Even after all of these months, she looked more marvelous than ever.

Suddenly, something ringing got me out of my head as I looked for the source of the sound.

Emma's phone.

I smirked once I saw Skylar's name on the screen.

"Emma's phone." I answered with a chuckle.

"You've got to be kidding me. I so knew she was going to fall for your stupid excuses. What did you do? Proposed to her?" I rolled my eyes at Skylar's assumption as Emma moved closer to me.

"I was just honest, Skylar. I hurt her and even I can't forgive myself. I love her, I don't want to ruin us again." I whispered as I looked at Emma's asleep face. Her lashes fell perfectly as her lips were partially parted.

"Hello, earth to Adam?!" I heard Skylar yelling through my state of gazing.

"Yeah, I'm here, just stop yelling, you're going to wake the whole campus up!" I groaned as I tried getting out of the bed. It was hard getting away from Emma's strong hold on me but I managed to get out and tuck her in as I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Sleep well, princess. I'll be here when you wake up, I love you." I whispered the last part as I slowly caressed her pink cheeks.

She hummed in response as I smiled and left the room so she could sleep without hearing Skylar's yelling.

"I'm out of the room, Skylar. You can talk now." I groaned as she started blabbering about how I'm an asshole and how I broke her heart.

"Come on Sky, you know you tolerate me." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes.

"Who told you that? I hate you, you ruined my best friend." She yelled as I heard someone's voice on the background.

"Skylar! Are you smoking in your room?!" Was heard from the other end of the phone as my eyes went wide.

"No mom! It's just a new perfume!" Fuck, Skylar's smoking. I don't find anything wrong with that but if Emma finds out she's going to give her the "smoking kills your lungs" speech. I had to go through that speech and I couldn't smoke for two days straight after she showed me what happens every time I smoke. Ofcourse, that was only for two days. After that, I just forgot about it.

' " See, here, the cotton gets black with each cigarette." She exclaimed as she put the phone closer to my face to stare at a piece of cotton getting black.

"Hoodie girl, my lungs aren't made out of cotton. Plus, it helps with stress, I hate being stressed and smoking, partially helps." I mumbled as I put the cigarette back in my mouth, took a deep breath in then kissed her.

She started coughing and pushed me away.

"Sometimes I just don't get you." She mumbled as I shrugged and released the smoke in small circles.

"How can you do that?" She asked curiously.

"With practice." I responded with a chuckle as I took her hand in mine and started walking to school.

"You want to see another video? They test on animals to make these cigarettes." She was just too sweet so I had to accept. Her puppy eyes just caught my heart once again.

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