Chapter 30 - Old Friends And Secrets Revealed

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Emma's POV

"Are you ready?" Asked Skylar as we got in her car.

"Yeah." I said holding my phone in one hand and my backpack in the other.

"So, don't forget the plan, if he tries to touch you, you run, if he tries to somehow approach you, you get the pepper spray out and you hit him where the sun never shines, ok?" She repeats the plan and I nodded.

"So, if he somehow kidnaps me you call the police and tell Adam and my family that I'll always love them." She nodded and we started the car.

"Did he gave you the indications?" She asked as I take something out of my backpack.

"Yes." I said as I've put my black  sunglasses on.


"You've got to be kidding me." Said Skylar while taking her sunglasses off.

"McDonald's? Who meets a stranger at McDonald's?" I asked frowning.

"A pedophile?" Said Skylar taking her phone out.

"Maybe?" I said while looking at my phone to see that I have a message from Alexander.

"We're both going in there and if something happens you make me a sign from under the table, ok?" She asked looking into my eyes.

"He texted me." I said and gave Skylar my phone.

"I'm here, I'm at the table that's near the exit." She said out loud.

"Ok, let's do this." I said looking at Skylar and she nodded as we got out of the car.

We entered the McDonald's and we went near the exit.

He was here. But I couldn't see his face. He had a black hoodie and his face was covered.

Skylar was at a table that was near us.

I sat down in front of Alexander and when he looked at me I gasped. 

" J-J-J..." I stopped speaking. He got his hoodie down and my mind couldn't process what was happening.  I made a sign to Skylar and then my vision became blurry.

"Emma?" The person in front of me said.

I passed out.


I woke up and I was in my bed at home. Skylar was holding my hand but she wasn't the only person there.

"Jack?" I mumbled through tears.

"Yes." He said while looking into my eyes.

I couldn't believe it. He was dead, how did this happen. He was here, in front of me smiling. He hasn't changed that much. His hair was blond  and his eyes were blue. His style changed tho, all he was wearing was black. He never wore black , he said that he didn't liked it. I like  black even tho some people say that it's not a color I don't care.

"How?" I asked sitting up in my bed.

"Well, I know that probably right now you're very confused because you thought that I was dead. Well, I was never dead."

I was shocked and my mouth was wide open.

"Let me explain. So, almost 4 years ago we had that car accident. I woke up at the hospital with amnesia and then my parents made me a funeral so that they wouldn't have to deal with the fact that their son destroyed their reputation by putting you in danger so after the funeral we moved in San Francisco and my parents never told me anything about you. Since that night I've been trying to get my memories back. I wanted to give up when a few weeks ago I suddenly remembered everything, how we met , every single memory we had came back to me. I knew your name so I typed it on the internet and there it was. It was an article with the night of the accident. You were there on  your knees crying. I found you on this reading app where I started writing poems and stuff like that. I didn't wanted you to know my real name because I knew that you wouldn't have talked to me." I was still shocked when he gave me something. White roses. I started crying and I hugged him.

"But how did your parents managed to make a funeral without a body?" Asked Skylar curious.

"Well, I don't know, I never knew that I had a funeral until like a few weeks ago when I searched for my name on the internet and it said that I was dead." He said while shrugging.

"EMMA!" Someone burst through the door screaming.


"Who the hell is he?!" He asks mad. He looked like he was ready to punch Jack anytime now.

"Do you remember the boy who was my best friend and then died? Well, apparently it was all a lie and he's alive." Wow, I said that like it was so normal for someone to be dead and then the next second to be alive.

Adam was shocked but then he got next to me and kissed me.

"Seriously, Adam?" I asked as he continued kissing me.

"What? You're mine and he had to know it."

"Don't worry, I have a girlfriend." Said Jack laughing.

"You do?" Asked Adam calmly.

Jack nodded and then Skylar gave me something. It was the pepeer spray.

"Well, good thing you didn't need that." She said awkwardly.

"What happened after I passed out." I asked looking between Skylar and Jack.

"Well..." Said Skylar looking down.

"She jumped on my back and started to hit me then she got that pepper spray out and I couldn't see for like a couple of minutes." Said Jack looking at Skylar.

I looked at Skylar and then she looked at me.

"What? I've never said that I've never used the pepeer spray, I just said that good thing that you didn't have to use it." She said shrugging.

"So, now what?" I asked looking at everyone.

"Well, I'm in College now so I'll need to go back to San Francisco since school starts tomorrow but if you want I'll bring my girlfriend next weekend and we can have a camping day, all of us." Said Jack while looking at Adam and then at Skylar and me.

"Ok." We all said together.

"So, I'll see you then Shortcake." Said  Jack while getting out of my room.

"Bye, lover boy!" I screamed so that he could hear me.


Hi guys, one more chapter until the epilogue. It was a great journey writing this book, thank you for everything guys.❤

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Xoxo- Cat lover 🖤

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