Chapter 27- Messages From A Stranger

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How is it that some strangers can know you better than your friends?

Emma's POV
(unedited )

Suddenly we heard clapping and me and Adam looked at the door from my house and our moms my dad, who didn't look very happy and my sister were there. My sister's mouth was wide open and she frowned.

"How is it that a freak like her gets a boyfriend and all I get is just a one night stand with a random boy?!" She screamed and then ran inside the house.

Please, someone, anyone, how can I stand this for a little longer?


Everyone opened their gifts and I got from Adam's mom a beautiful fluffy scarf and from Adam's sister a doll that looked exactly like me, it was kind of creepy cause she also had a hoodie that looked exactly like mine but I liked it. It was time to open Adam's present and it was a big one. Wait , no , there are 2 presents from him that are for me.

I opened the first one and gasped.

"You got me a guitar?!"

"Yeah." He said while laughing.

I opened the second gift carefully so that I don't destroy the wrapping paper. It was a collage that had a lot of pictures with him and me. The first one was when we had that snow fight and the last one is with me and him st the winter formal looking into each other's eyes laughing.

Under the collage there was a little box, it was a necklace and on the front it said "My hoodie girl".

"Thank you so much Adam." I said hugging him and laughing.

"Wait, there's one more box." He said smirking.

"One more box?" I asked curious.

He went to another room and he came back handing me a hoodie?

Suddenly I started smiling, it was a hoodie that had his face on it .

"It's so that you can carry me with you wherever you go."

"Thank you." I said blushing.

"Now, this is for you." I said while giving his gift.

"You got me something?" He asked raising his eyebrow.

I nodded as he started opening the gift.

When he finished opening the gift he remained shocked in his sit.

"Y-You got me a Rolex watch?!" He asked, looking at the watch.

"Yes." I knew that he liked these watches but he always said that he would never buy one because it will be a waste of money.

He kissed me and I blushed because everyone was looking at us.

"Not in my house." Said my dad with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Alan." My mom said looking at him.

"Sorry, but there's gonna be some rules. No boys are allowed to be in your room after 7 p.m. and always keep your door open." He said looking at Adam.

"Ok." I mumbled.


It is Christmas morning and guess what? I'm sick. Perfect. I'm also home alone because my parents and my sister went skiing at my aunt's house. Adam and his family are in Switzerland and Skylar is volunteering for the food bank.

I groaned as I struggled to get up from my bed. I took my phone from my nightstand and I had a lot of messages. I also had an email from wattpad. It was from that stranger who told me that I'm way to depressed. Ughh, I forgot to block him last night.

Him: You there, emo girl?

Me: Look who's talking"CrazyAboutMyself"

Him: If you'd see me you'll be crazy about myself too ;)

Me: I don't think so, I don't really like guys that are in love with themselves.

Him: I just love the way I look, is that a problem?

Me : Nope, not at all lover boy.

Him: So, that's your nickname for me? It would only be fair for you to have one too. I'm going to call you Shortcake.

Me: Go and have fun with yourself lover boy because I'm going to block you now.

Him: Since when can you block someone on Wattpad?

Well I haven't thought this through.

Me: Shut up.

Him: Well, Merry Christmas to you too Shortcake.

Me: You're not going to stop talking aren't you?

Him: Nah, I'm having way to much fun bugging you and I'm not talking, I'm texting.

I rolled my eyes as I typed furiously.

Him: I bet that right now your fingers are on fire trying to type me ;)

Who does he think he is? He doesn't even know my name.

Me : You know what? You're a jerk. I saw your little poems and guess what? Looks like the boy from your poems is way more depressed then the girl from my poems.

Him: Shut up. You don't know anything about me or my life. I can literally read you like an open book but you shouldn't talk about things that you have no idea about. Right now your probably in your bed thinking about what romance novel you should write next or what dress you should wear. Guess what? No one fucking cares!

I was feeling kind of guilty but he's a stranger, he can't judge me like that.

Me: For your information I'm sick at home in my bed while my family is at my aunt's house skiing. And I hate dresses so you got the wrong person.

Him: I feel kind of sorry for you, Emma. You wanna know why? Because your life is so great but you just write poems and books where by the way you can clearly see that you are the main character. I think that you are a nerd who probably loves that stupid movies and shows with vampires and werewolves and who wants to find her soul mate.

How...? How does he know my name? He got me at the last part but The vampire diaries, Supernatural and Teen wolf aren't stupid shows.

Me: How do you know my name?

Him: Maybe because I know you in real life , and also because you literally have your name written in your description.

Me: Stalker much?

Him: Like you didn't look at my poems and at my profile.

Well, he's not wrong, I did checked his profile and also his poems. His poems were so sad.

Him: You still there?

Me: Yeah lover boy but don't you have like a family to be with right now?

Him: Don't you?

Me: Don't answer a question with another question. Whatever, talk to you later, I have to feed my cat.

I didn't wait for his reply as I got out from my bad sneezing. I feed my kitten and then Adam sent me a text.

"Merry Christmas my hoodie girl. You're in my heart all through the year especially during this season of joy and cheer."

I smiled as I replied.

After I texted him I took some medicines and then I put some Christmas songs and ate Christmas biscuits. At the end of the day I fell asleep watching The Holiday Calendar.


Hi guys, sorry for my grammar and I hope that you liked this chapter 💕

*Who do you think "CrazyAboutMyself " is?*

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Xoxo- Cat lover 💜

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