Chapter 8 - Don't judge a movie by its DVD cover.

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''When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.''- William Shakespeare

Emma's POV


I open my eyes to see that I'm in my bed.

Ugh. What happened? I can't remember anything.

Then suddenly it hit me. That blond boy from the party has hit my head with a ball.

"She's awake!" I hear someone screaming. I look around the room to see my mom rushing to the door.

"M- Mom?" I whispered.

"Yes sweetie, do you need anything, a cup of water, a blanket?" she asked worried.

"A cup of water would be good "I say, smiling.

My mom rushes downstairs. Someone enters my room.

"Hey, your mom gave me this cup of water for you "I see Adam looking down at me.

"Hey, how long was I out?" I asked wanting to know how much have I missed.

"One day, you had food poisoning and a little concussion "he said frowning.



"Who hit your head?" He asks looking very angry all of a sudden.

I look down playing with my hands.

"No one, I fell." I say but he takes my hand and I look in his eyes.

"Who hit your head?" He repeats slowly.

I don't say anything. He sighs getting up from my bed.

"Do you want to start working on the project today?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, sure, when?"

"6 p.m.? At your place? "

"Sure, I just have to ask my mom." He smiles getting out of my room.

"See you later!" He screams from downstairs.

"Ok!" I scream back laughing.


I take my backpack closing the door from my house. I head to Adam's place and I knock on the door.

"Anna, could you please open the door!" I hear Adam screaming from inside.

"No, you didn't got me my chocolate milk so I won't open the door. " I start laughing at their fight.

"I would go to the store and buy you your milk IF you open the door."

I see the door open and Anna with a big pink bow in her head.

"EMMA!" She suddenly screams jumping on me.

"Hey sweetheart, how are you?" I ask her smiling.

"I'm mad because Adam didn't got me my chocolate milk." She said crossing her arms over her chest.

"I just told you that I'm going to go to the store to get it for you." I look behind Anna to see Adam with a lot of books in his hand.

"Yeah, I know, I just wanted to let Emma know how bad you are with your sister."

"Liar! I got you a Bardi doll yesterday!" He said crossing his arms over his chest. I laughed at how he said Barbie.

"It's a Barbie, not a Bardi." I look at Anna and then at Adam. They look so much alike. Even their personalities are the same.

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