Chapter 14 - The Hospital

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Adam's POV

I was walking down the hallway when I  heard someone falling down the stairs. I rolled my eyes as I thought of how clumsy someone can be to fall down the stairs. I sighed and turned around only to see Emma, unconscious. At first I just looked at her small body with a confused look on my face. After I realized what had happened anger spread through my body along with adrenaline as I look up only to see Emily sitting at the end of the staircase with a proud look on her face, smirking.

I don't have time to deal with this right now. I thought as I quickly took Emma's body into my arms and saw her head that had a small scratch on it. She was bleeding.

"Call 911!" I yelled as loud as I could but nobody did anything.

"Emily, you fucking did this, you fix it, call an ambulance." I yelled with fury in my eyes as she rolled her eyes but I gave her a look that told her that I'm not playing around. Her eyes showed fear as she called an ambulance.

Emma's eyes were closed and her face was covered by her hair. Her small hands were hidden under her hoodie's sleeves. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear only to see her pale face.

My thoughts were interrupted by the paramedics that stormed inside and took her away.

"I'm going with her." I told them as they shook their head.

"Did I ask? I'm going. I'm not leaving her alone." I said with as I ran to the ambulance to open the doors so that they could get her inside.

The paramedics looked at me weirdly as I quickly got inside the ambulance.

I looked at Emma. Her hair was messy and it had blood in it. Her face showed no expression, her beautiful blue eyes were closed and  her face was still pale. I touched her hand. It was cold. Her small hands that barely fit mine. I held her hand close to mine trying to warm her up. Her lips tried to form a smile for a few seconds but as she smiled only for a few moments the smile just disappeared, like it was never there in the first place.

I love everything about her. Her eyes, her smile, her weirdness, her laugh. I can't stand to be away from her.

I think I'm starting to fall for her but how can such an angel ever be with someone so messed up as me? I could never forgive myself if I ever hurt her feelings. She deserves someone as sweet and her, someone that will take good care of her delicate heart.


Emma's POV

My whole body felt like someone just pushed me down the stairs and then hit me with a steel pipe. I struggled to open my eyes as a small groan left my lips. After a few minutes of torture I finally got my eyes to open. I focused my eyes and looked around. I was in a room with white walls and surrounded by hospital beds. The only source of light was the sun that made it's way into the room through the big window.

I studied my surroundings for a while as I realized what had happened. I looked at my arm as I felt the needle from the IV. I groaned and closed my eyes for a few seconds. I hate needles.

I opened my eyes for the second time today and looked at the big mirror that was near my bed. My hair was all over the place and my school outfit was gone. I was wearing a nightgown and as I tried to move my legs I felt something heavy that pulled my left leg down. It was a cast. I sighed and as I tried to get up the door opened and Adam entered.


"Hey,how are you feeling?Do you want some water? Food?" He asked concerned.

Why would he be concerned? We haven't talked that much since he started dating Emily. Why would he be here with me instead with her doing god knows what?

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