Sneak peak

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It's been weeks of not seeing Adam or any of my friends. Of course, me and Skylar facetimed and talked a lot but since the night I left, the name Adam became unknown and lost.

Sebastian is the only person that I knew from this camp when I first arrived but I made a lot of new friends since then. Skylar never mentioned Adam's name or anything regarding what had happened that night. Sebastian tried his best to keep me busy and for some reason he's always worried about me. I'm always looking at my phone, unknowingly waiting for something, more like, someone to just send one text or one call.

"Goodmorning gatita, new day, new beginnings." I heard Sebastian's voice yell through my closed window as he loudly knocked on it.

"I'm up, I'm up, no need to terrorize the other people that, by the way, get to sleep more than me!" I screamed as loudly as I could just as Sebastian opened my door with a loud bang and stole my blanket. It took me a second to realize that he just ran away with my soft warm blanket.

"Return the blanket! It's not yours, Sebastian! I'm stealing your camera!" Once I finished my sentence he stopped midway, thinking about something and then he sprinted down the stairs to where his room was.

Right when I was about to catch up with him he closed the door right in front of me.


"There's a party tonight,are you coming?" Questioned Sebastian as I sighed but thought about it. I haven't been to any parties here and from what I've heard they aren't that bad.

"One of the best photographers are going to be there tonight so, who knows, you might get the chance to impress them." I put all the worries aside as hope engulfed me.

"I'm going but with one condition only, do not leave my side."

"You got it cara bonita." He mumbled as he rolled his eyes.



She was calling, why was she calling? It's been weeks and I haven't texted her or called. Yet, she was calling me. Is she missing me like I'm missing her? God, I wonder how she looks like now. I miss her face, her sweet warm smile and her lovely laughs. I just miss..her presence. It's like one minute I had everything, then the next all I had was a big gap that used to be filled by her. I never understood what I had until I lost it.

"Em?" I asked as my voice cracked a little. For a few seconds no one was speaking but as I listened more carefully, the background was covered by music.

"Heyyyyy Adam, just wanted to let you know that I'm at a fucking party with lots of guys that keep moving against my body. I offered to take some pics of them and they said yes, wanna seee?" I was silent. Rage filled my body as my phone buzzed, notifying me that I have recieved new messages.

I took a look at the photos and noticed she had taken a photo of herself too. She was wearing a mini skirt. A fucking mini skirt. And she was wondering why guys were bloody all over her?  I looked through the other photos only to notice that half of the guys were shirtless or in their boxers.

"Emma, where the fuck are you? Because this doesn't look like a fucking photography camp." I screamed but all I could hear was her giggling.

"Well, Sebastian wants me to take some photos of him too, sooo, see you laterrr." She hung up before I could say anything. Bloody photographer, I'm going to shove his fucking camera down his throat.

I stormed into the 'photography' camp as fast as I could. I found out her room number from her roommate that was at the party. She told me that she left with, none other than bloody Sebastian.

I opened the door of her room with force only to find the bloody bastard in the same bed as her.

Guess who is getting murdered tonight?

Hey guysss, these are some of the scenes that first chapter will contain:33 hope you like itt ( ofcourse these are only episodes, the chapter will have all of the actions and dialogues<3)

Be ready for more dramaaaa, first chapter will be posted in September.

Published: 17.08.2021

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