Chapter 28- Happy New Year

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Emma's POV
( unedited)

Today it will be New year's eve and I can't wait for this year to pass. This last few days I've been mostly with Adam or Skylar.  I've also talked with Alexander, apparently that's the name of my mystery messageer. Today Adam it's taking me out for the weekend.

"So, have you talked with that mystery boy lately?" I heard Skylar say.

"Yeah, he told me to call him Xander but I still don't know if that's his real name." I sigh as I put my hair in a ponytail.

"So, have you told Adam about him?" She asks looking through my closet.

"No, but me and Alexander aren't even friends, so why should I?" I asked taking one of my hoodies from one of the hangers.

"Well, maybe because now he's your boyfriend and maybe you talking to other boys will bother him."

"And that's why I'm not going to tell him. Today I just want to spend the day with my boyfriend so please let's just drop this and help me pick up something to wear." I know, I was kind of rude but me and Alexander aren't even friends, maybe frenemies. Plus, if I'll tell Adam he would probably get mad or jealous.

Two days ago, we went to a restaurant and he said that he saw the waiter winking at me. All I want to say is that we can never go to that Pizza Hut  ever again.

He became a little too possessive since we started dating and I don't want to tell him about Alexander, because I know that he's going to freak out .

"So, you and Adam on New year's Eve?" She said.

"Yeah...he said that he's going to take me somewhere special." I said still looking through the closet.

"Ok, take this." She said while handing me a dress.

"What's this?" I asked curious.

"One of my dresses, you should wear it tonight with Adam." She said smiling.

"Ok, but where is the other part of the dress because it doesn't even reach my knees." I said looking down at my legs.

"That's the whole dress and you look hot in it." She said looking me up and down.

"Yeah but it makes me uncomfortable." I said as I put a hoodie over the dress.

She frowned as she saw the hoodie.


"That hoodie doesn't go with the dress."


She doesn't say anything as she turned me around so that I can face the mirror and when I looked into the mirror I frowned.

I didn't look good at all because the dress was black and the hoodie was blue. I never understood fashion but even I can see that this would never work so I got out a black hoodie.

"Done." I said looking into the mirror.

"I swear, I'll never understand you." Said Skylar while shaking her head.

"I'll never understand you either, I mean how can you set a bathtub on fire?" I asked laughing.

"It wasn't my fault, I've put some cleaning stuff on it and then I haven't washed it properly. I saw my mom doing it, like she would put some medical spirit and then she would set it on fire and voila the bathtub is disinfected. But after I 'cleaned' the bathtub I've put the medical spirit in and when I've set it on fire I kind of caused a little explosion and we had to open all the windows so that the smoke will get out but everyone knows that if it's a fire you can't have any open windows or doors because of the oxygen." I couldn't stop laughing and Skylar started laughing with me.

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