Chapter three.

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To AdamsDeborah

For always believing in me...

And for being more than a little crazy

You rock dear 👍

HE RUBBED his eyes repeatedly to be sure he was not seeing things. His eyes widened in shock as he accessed her.

She's on dreadlocks?

She was dressed in an oversized top, baggy jeans and boots.


He couldn't believe it. It felt like he had taken a block to head.

This was the lady he had seen last night... dressed sexily...

She had crazy curves just last night, but now they were gone.....they were hidden in that baggy.

He watched as she jogged, the morning breeze swaying her clothes.

He didn't know when he let out a loud laughter. All he knew was that she glared at him.

He found it really funny

What a strange woman she was...


HER EYES DARKENED in anger as she clenched to her fist. She could stand been criticized but she hated it when she was laughed at.

Was he crazy?

What the hell was he laughing at?

She walked towards him with a frown on her face.

" Hey!, why are you laughing?". She asked moving closer to him, so she was few inches away from him.

His laughter increased, making her more furious.

"what's  wrong with the way I dress?". A pregnant pause.

"I never talked about your dre...

Another laughter.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!"

When no response was forthcoming, she angrily walked away and wished she could beat him up.


SHE ANGRILY ENTERED the kitchen and the three other ladies abruptly ended their conversation.

"where's the package?". Cassie asked.

" can you imagine?... That stupid guy was laughing at me"

The three ladies exchanged glances.

"so you don't know why he's laughing at you?". Belinda asked sarcastically.

"Your dressing is awkward"

Matilda gritted  her teeth "Does that give that jerk the right...

"None of that Matilda, he is my husband's friend. You shouldn't insult him,  he deserves some respect ".  Cassie said.

"Husband's friend my ass". She mumbled as she walked angrily out of the kitchen.

She lay on the sofa sulking. They were all making her act like a child. And she hated it.

But seriously, was it bad to have a different dress sense?

Cassandra, Lily,  and Belinda came into the living room.

"cutie, we're not saying your dress sense is bad, we're just thinking you should dress more ladylike ". Cassie said.

"Exactly ".  Belinda chipped in.

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