Chapter four

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                      Three months later.

SHE SLIPPED ON her sneakers with a sigh.
She was done with work for the day. Picking  up her backpack, she bade her colleagues goodbye.

"Matilda!". She heard behind her.

She instantly recognised the voice.... Dayo

She turned sharply to him

" You didn't say goodbye ". He said with a grin.

Dayo  was a colleague of hers.  He could be described as neither ugly nor handsome, he was nice, cool and very intelligent. And, he's been having a huge crush on her for months now.  He had openly told everyone at a party they had few months ago. 

"I said goodbye". She said.

He cleared his throat"How about we watch today's Football match and...

She cut him short " I'm really busy today... Maybe some other time".

"oh... I wasn't expecting you to reply anyways"

With that,  he walked away.

She heaved a sigh of relief. She felt as though a huge load has been lifted up her shoulders.

Her phone buzzed. She groaned.

"Hello "

"Matilda,  I need you to do something, it's very urgent "

She arched a brow " what?"

"Can you get me peppermint and ginger?, I'm feeling nauseated. "

She chuckled "wait oh,  who is pregnant and who is suffering?". Matilda asked sarcastically.

"it's for the baby". 

"Don't you have a maid?".

" She's gone to the village to visit her sick mother "

"And your driver?"

"He has driven Gray to work "

"Can't Gray get it for you?"

"He'll be back late... Oh God,  Matilda,  do you want me to throw up everywhere?". Cassandra asked raising her voice.

"Alright... Fine!". She snapped.


SHE OPENED the door to the large sitting room.

"Cassie... I didn't know you're a good liar,  your driver is outside gisting with your maid...

She stopped when she saw cassandra smiling smugly.  Her eyes darted around the room.

There was a male figure sitting comfortably  sitting on a sofa,  his leg crossed over the other.


Before she could think, cassandra walked to her, a devilish grin on her lips. She grabbed the polythene nylon that Matilda held before heading upstairs, leaving her alone with Rory.

She stood there, arm crossed against her chest staring expressionlessly at him, inwardly berating herself for looking so unkempt not that she cared about what anyone thought of her, but Rory had that smug look on his face that could make someone like her seem invisible.
The silence stretched longer than was convenient for her liking, she had counted one to hundred for the third time in her head. Sighing, she thought she was good at this, but damn Rory definitely deserved an award.

Sipping his drink Rory watched her shift her foot from one to another.

"  Hmm... feeling restless already?" he smiled baring white perfect teeth, he knew he was torturing her with the silence, not by choice of course but he was Rory and Rory does as he pleases.

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