Chapter Twelve.

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The world is full of could've beens. A could've been is worst than a has-been. At least the has-been was "there" once.

I love this quote❤️❤️

John park - Always by your side.

IN THE DAYS AND evenings that followed, Rory undoubtedly felt like an isolated animal. Luke didn't lounge in an hotel just as he thought he would instead he slept in the bedroom with Rory while Matilda slept in the living room.

He was pissed, so pissed.

He glanced at Matilda; he fixed her with a stony look. She was fastening her shoelace while his brother was glancing at his watch every now and then.

At this point, he was giving up.
He was completely invisible to them both, there's no point dragging things.

" We'll be late". Luke said.

She grinned gloriously at him " All done.".

" Bye Rory. We'll be home late, don't worry about us and one more thing, we'll be eating out". Luke said as he walked away.

" Fuck you Luke". He muttered.

Luke turned " Did you say something to me?"

" I said goodbye". He retorted.


" So what's the plan?". Luke asked rubbing his palms together.

" There's no plan, Luke".

Confused, Luke said " what do you mean?".

She chuckled. " I mean Karen is coming with us to the cinema...

" And?".

" I'll leave you to yourselves, how about that?"

" Very nice".


And, true to her words, Karen did come and she indeed excused them. Then, she found her way to Portland Museum of art.

" Come on, let's go in". Luke said

" Sure, but where's Matilda".

" She will join us later".

He guided her inside. It was crowded. She stiffened; her hand gripped his as her fingertips sank into his hand.

He winced as he glanced at her. She was oblivious of his gaze, she was completely lost. He looked down at their hands, his big one over her small ones, her hand was trembling and beads of sweat broke out on her forehead.

" Are you okay?"

She said nothing.

She shivered.

Luke was confused. She wasn't okay and he wondered why. Is she scared of him?

" Let's get outta here". He said hurt.

Still she said nothing.

He walked her out, as they reached his car, she snatched her hand from his with a gasp.

"Are you okay?". He asked.

No response.

He held her hand " you're alright?"

She snatched her hand from his. "I'm fine". She snapped.

He was bewildered. Maybe this was a bad idea.
It would have been right to say she wasn't going to go in there with him. It was super rude to ignore him completely. It pissed him off. The lady he liked isn't the one standing before him, staring into space, he was very sure of that.

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