Chapter Seventeen.

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                           A WEEK LATER.

SHE SAT BY THE BEACH, her eyes fixed on the sky. The beach has been her only companion ever since the fight she had with Rory. And Rory...he was just Rory. He seldom came home and when he did, he barely talked to her. Since the past one week, she's been telling herself that her sole purpose of being here was to help Rory get his property and that couldn't work out in this situation. She's concluded that she was no longer needed. To Rory, she was just a tool, he could use and dump. She didn't know why he was upset and didn't care to know why because it hurts her deeply.
Rory's voice whispered in her mind: You whore!

Oh, that word hurts like hell.

After staring at the sky for a little while more, she found herself staring at the beach house. Looking at the house made her heart ache even more.
She blinked away her tears.

Once in the bedroom, she looked around briefly, then hauled her luggage out. She wanted to leave without setting her eyes on Rory. If she did set her eyes on him, she doubted whether or not she would be able to leave.

The door opened, and there stood Rory with a grim expression on his face.


RORY PAUSED AT THE ENTRANCE, the house was still and silence making him wonder if Matilda was in. He knew she was inside, probably having a nap. He still hasn't forgiven her, but he wanted to see her. How he missed her.
He had successfully distanced himself from her for a week yet it affected him so deeply. This feeling of loneliness, it was killing him softly. He regretted calling her a whore that day but there was nothing he could do to mend the situation. There's no need for amendment though, it was how it should have been from the onset. Plus, the realization that another man was in love with Matilda, it irked him.

He pushed open the door, slowly walked in.  His face registered bewilderment when he saw his wife. She was dressed in a green clingy mid thigh dress and a fancy trenchcoat. Her nails were polished red and her hair, she's unlocked her dreadlocks and was now wearing a stylish wig.
He spotted her luggage beside her, the sight didn't meet his approval.

She's leaving?

His heart raced at the thought. It angered and frightened him to death.

Narrowing his eyes at her, he said " What are you doing?!"

Her gaze suddenly wavered but she managed to look him in the eyes " What does it look like I'm doing?"

He swore " You are leaving!?"

" Obviously" She replied.

" What the hell do you mean? Without my permission? You're kidding right?"

" It's obvious that I'm not needed anymore, I've overstayed my welcome. You treated me like garbage and you expect me to stay? Like seriously? Mr Brown."

He was taken aback. Matilda was really upset with him and it irked him to know that she was upset.

Rubbing his hair vigorously, he frowned. How could she do this to him?

"Anyways, I'm leaving because I can't stand this bullshit any longer!! My flight is by 12pm and that's roughly two hours from now." She said

" No, wait! are seriously leaving? After all you've done to me? he shouted sarcastically.

" I don't know what you are talking about Rory." Matilda said forcefully dragging her suitcase as she walked past him. " And I don't care to know." She said not looking into his eyes instead focusing on dragging her suitcase.

" Goooooooo!!!!" He screamed "why won't you, after cheating on me."

Matilda turned suddenly shocked at his remark. " Woah! I cheated on you? Mr Brown, make sure you confirm before attacking me." She hissed " it's so easy to say, lol, so easy... You are the cheat here, you do what you like, hang out with  girls of different sort and you expect me to sit down quietly and I look like a possession to you?! You don't trust me, you don't want me, you don't need me. Damn it! Just when I thought things could go smoothly between us, you messed things up, you stopped me from working, you don't let me socialize, when you see me with a guy, the next thing is I'm cheating but never for once have I doubted you. Why couldn't you just give me little of your trust? Is that too much to ask?"

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