Chapter Eleven.

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Matilda stared stupidly at Rory, trying to wrap her mind around what he was saying.
He started by asking her about her leg, that's normal and, then he smiled sweetly at her-- the unusual part.

He didn't leave the house today, he watched movies all through.
Maybe he got into a fight with Celestine.
Because, no matter how hard no she thought about it, that seemed to be the perfect answer. The Rory she knew would never stay home all day, never.

" I thought we could be friends, enough of fighting and all. I thought it through and I realized I don't really know much about you. Let's work together, Tilda".

Her eyes were glittering in surprise. It wasn't a bad idea but Rory can be so fickle. One minute, he's in a good mood, another minute he's upset.

" Alright, let's do that". She cleared her throat.

He grinned.

"Then... Would you like to see a movie tonight?"

What would it be like to see a movie with Rory? Well, she was going to find out. She'd barely slept a wink last night, reminding herself of the dangers of moving close to Rory and even worse falling in love with him, but it hadn't done a bit of good. Her heart still skipped anytime he came close to her.

This is so scary. He's so handsome, so... everything.

When he had almost kissed her last night...oh well, she'd never dreamed in a thousand years that anyone would make her feel like that. Jude had, but it wasn't this intense. Her heart had pounded, and for a horrible second, she thought she might faint.


"Get prepared, by four". He said

What has gotten into him?


THEY SETTLED IN THEIR seats with a big bowl of popcorn laying between them.

As he sat, he hoped he made the right decision. The truth was that he did flirt with  many ladies that he came across, but he couldn't recall any who affected him the way Matilda did without even trying.

" We're seeing A walk to remember?". She asked in amusement.


"Cassie loves the movie a lot but I've been so busy to download...I'm glad I have the opportunity to see the movie".

" Oh, really? Movie is not my stuff though"

But he saw movies all through today. Whatever, she didn't need to ask.

His eyes kept straying to the way her simple shirt clung to her breasts. But, her reaction was important, so he brought his eyes back up again.

There was silence all through.


Tears gathered in her eyes. She didn't realize she was crying until her tears fell on her fingers. She blinked rapidly, her blinking did nothing to stop her tears, instead it came rushing.

He watched her keenly as he passed her a tissue paper. She looked at him " I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be doing this...infact I'm embarrassed".

There's nothing to be embarrassed of. He actually liked it. It felt so normal, having her right next to him felt so good.

"Their love was perfect, beautiful even till the end". She said as her jaw trembled.

He watched her, a bit surprised at her reaction. Like seriously, who cries because of movies these days?  In all honesty, he liked it, she amuses him a lot.

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