Chapter nine.

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I once asked a friend what love meant to her, she answered and said " love is a crazy feeling that takes complete control of one's senses and render one helpless... Love is sweet though".

Breaking me by Topic ft A7S.


"Turn right". Celestine said to Rory who was fuming.

He obliged.

"Your wife is...

He cut her short with a dangerous glare. Whether or not Celestine was correct, he had to confirm. He looked out of the window, by this time, it was already raining.

After a long moment of silence, Celestine said "right here".

He turned off the engine and parked.

" The gym is closed for the day". He noted.

Just as he reached for the door, she spotted Matilda walking hand in hand with a guy. She wasn't smiling but she looked really happy.
No physical blow could have hit him so much. His face went starkly pale.

That wasn't all.

He pulled her into the rain. And....

He held her waist.

"Damn! Matilda, you're playing a dangerous game". He thundered causing Celestine to shudder.

Swearing under his breath, Rory raced out of the car. He shook, not with weakness but anger.

He watched as Smith pushed back stubborn strands of hair from Matilda's face. His anger soared.

" How about dinner at my place?". Smith asked.

"SHE'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE!". Rory said through gritted teeth.

"Rory?". She whispered, surprised.

He wasn't even aware that he moved, he didn't know he had walked to her. Gripping her elbow, he locked his fingers around it like steel. He attempted to haul her but she stood firmly.

She looked up at him. Unshakable female defiance flashed in her eyes.

Oh, really!

It seems his lovely is enjoying the company of this shit guy?.
He looked down at her fingers, she didn't have their wedding ring on.


" What do you think you are doing?". She asked struggling within his hold.

" Who are you?". Smith stepped in.

No sooner had he completed his statement than a punch landed on his jaw.

"Let go of me!". She shrieked. But, he wasn't listening to her. He dragged her with him.

Never for once has she laughed with him and she was here laughing with a total stranger.

When he saw how stubborn she was, he hiked her over his shoulder and took her away.

"Rory, put me down". She said almost in tears.

Smith on the other hand didn't know what to make out of the whole situation.

He carried to the car and dumped her on the bonnet. "Don't you dare think of doing anything stupid". He warned.

He opened the door and ushered Celestine out of the car.


"Get out!". He yelled.

"What?''. Celestine looked shocked.

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