Chapter Sixteen.

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Killing me softly by Zhavia.

MATILDA pulled her eyelids open with an effort. It felt as though giant elephants were trampling on her eyelids. She stretched, satisfaction flowing through her.

Sex with Rory, was in a word, amazing. No, worshipful- the right word to use. With a blush, she recalled the moment when Rory told her how beautiful he thought her to be. Her blood warmed in memory.

Even the weather had conspired. It had rained all night and now, the sunrise was predictably gorgeous, flaming over the beach. It was a beautiful sight.

He stirred beside her and stretched languidly, it was then she realized he was still asleep. She watched him with a smile, loving the dark richness of his half opened eyes fringed with the most beautiful eyelashes she had ever seen.

He yawned hugely, then reached for her and buried his face in her neck. Surprised, her eyes widened. In the sunlight, he looked incredibly sexy, his body glittering, his eyes wary, his lips shimmering like polished satin. She wished she could stay right where she was, in Rory's arms...forever?

She snapped out of the thought by reminding herself that there's no forever in this.

He kissed her neck " How are you feeling this morning? Any pain?". He asked as he looked up at her.

" I can't feel my legs". She whispered.

" Your legs? ". He reached for the duvet but she warily pulled it up to her chin.

" I want to check it out!". He said in concern.

" I'm good, really". She said self conciously.

" You're sure?"

" Yes. I'm fine"

Rory pressed a quick kiss to her lips as he crawled off the bed. His body was so perfect and well sculptured, like a work of art.
He walked shamelessly to his wardrobe to get his robe showing her his back view.
It was just his back view, Matilda thought. As long as he didn't show his front view, it was fine by her.
As though Rory read her thought, he turned sharply to Matilda in his full glory. At that point, she completely covered her flushed face with the duvet, feeling embarrassed and shy at the same time.


What on earth is wrong with Rory???

She heard him chuckle as he walked into the bathroom.

Bit by bit, the memory of last night replayed in her head. When she moaned his name, when she dug her fingers into his shoulders.....oh God...
She screamed. Gosh, this is so embarrassing!
At the same time she hit the bed with her fist. How was she going to face him now?

She screamed again and covered her face with the duvet.

She had fantasied about having sex a thousand times, never had she thought of the aftermath of it. Well, she had sex with Rory- the last person she had ever thought she would get married to, let alone get intimate with.

She counted one to ten in her head as she blew out a breath. Just then, Rory opened the door, body wet and a grin on his lips, he strode into the room. He was still naked.

She shivered.

Was he doing this intentionally?

He strode to his wardrobe in a rolling gait. He took out a t-shirt and shorts. Expertly, he put on his briefs and wore his outfit.

Turning to her, he said " You should have your bath too"

She looked away warily " I know, right? Can you pass my robe...please?"

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