Chapter five.

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SHE BIT Her lips nervously, her lips were as pale as the baggy trousers she was wearing.

"They don't parents are really nice".

She wrinkled her nose. He was saying that for the third time now ,and she was getting really irritated. She didn't really care about what his parents would think of her, all she wanted to do was get the hell outta there.

She was in all this,ball thanks to her sister - Rory's partner in this crime. Cassandra always had her way of getting to her, she deserved kudos for that.

She smiled nervously at her supposed fiance.

She didn't really care, but the last thing she wanted was anyone insulting her dress sense.

Believe in yourself...She chanted in her mind.

He pressed the horn of his car and the gigantic gaye before them was hurled opened by the gateman.

At this point, she was beginning to tremble. A sense of deja vu overcame her sending a sizzle down her spine.

It happened this way, the day Jude's mother had told her she was having an unhealthy relationship with her son...that she was gay.

And Jude right there watching his mother insult her.

He drove into the big compound and parked .

He pushed opened the door but she stopped him. She gripped his hand.

"Wait....I'm sorry, I need to breathe"

He looked down at her little hand on his big ones. Abruptly, she took her hand off his as though she was burnt by his fire.

Taking a deep breath"Alright, go ahead"

He hopped out of the car and moved to her side to open the door.

Like a perfect gentleman

She got out and dusted her baggy pants.

Thank God!

She didn't inform her sisters of this outing, otherwise she'd be dressed in one of those skimpy dresses.

With a frown, she looked at him "thanks"

"You should smile, they might be watching us".

He sounded desperate.

So surprising that the Almighty Rory Brown was helpless.

He must be really desperate to own the company, going as far as getting married to her. He didn't complain about her dressing, all he wanted was the job to be done.

Well, she mustn't bother herself about that.

She managed a smile.

One look at the mansion,and she was in love with it.

A white mansion, it was.

It was decorated with beautiful enchanting..

"You are doing a good job"

Her smile wavered.

Smiling foolishly was a piece of cake, the real job was yet to come.


MRS BROWN PULLED UP the curtain and beaconed to her husband.

"What is it this time?". Her husband asked.

"Our son has finally brought a woman home but, look who he's brought"

"I think our effort is not in vain"

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