Chapter Fourteen.

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Beautiful pain by Eminem ft Sia

It was two days to his aunt's banquet and  Matilda was yet to say anything about it. He wouldn't force her, he couldn't, even if he wanted to. He entered into the sitting room and looked around, there was no trace of Matilda.

Where had she gone?

He checked the kitchen, she wasn't there either.

He ran into the bedroom, his heart racing wildly in his chest.

She wasn't there either.

He moved to the bathroom. He stopped at the entrance when he heard music playing from the bathroom.
He sat patiently on the bed, waiting for her to come in.
Thirty minutes later, she still wasn't out.
He didn't know what state she was in the bathroom and barging in was a bad choice. It wasn't a gentleman behaviour. He decided on calling her name to know whether or not she was alright.

" Tilda!"

" Tilda!"

He pushed open the door to see her sleeping soundly in the bathtub as  blues music blared from a speaker in the side of the bathroom.

He shook his head and raised her off the tub. Driven by a full tide of sensation, he suddenly felt a deep ache in his groin. His gaze traced the gentle swell of her breasts, chest tight, he sent his gaze roaming down the length of her, over her taut stomach. Lifting her to him, he drank in her sight and took her all in.

One part of him wanted to graze, caress, devour, to satisfy the lust that claimed him.
No, Rory!

Suddenly, her eyes flew open.

Then, she saw him.

She let out a little scream. She shook violently in his arms as he frowned hard.

" What are you doing here?". She asked in alarm.

He swallowed hard.

Without pause, she shook ferociously in his arms.

" Stop it, Matilda! I'm your husband". He reminded her.

" No, you are not my husband. Let go of me!". She cried.

" Stay put and keep quiet lady!" He shunned her before wrapping a towel around her and setting her back to her feet. He left the bathroom.

" Dangerous man" . She muttered

He was dangerous but she was getting used to him, it really bothered her.

She slipped on a robe.

She moved out of the bathroom.

By now, Rory was standing next to the wardrobe, his arm crossed over his chest.

Ashamed, she lowered her lashes.

" Are you attending my aunt's banquet?"

God...what sort of human being is it? They just went through an awkward moment in the bathroom and he's acting like it's not a big deal. Well, to him it wasn't but to her it was a fucking big deal.

" I'm not going!" She snapped.

" Alright!" He raised his voice " Do whatever you like!" She sank into the bed and heard him slam the door behind him.

Its been so long since she spoke with her sisters. She needed to talk to someone, someone she could pour her heart to. That person was Cassandra. Cassandra had many love experiences in the past, definitely she'd have one or two things to say.

She dialled Cassandra number, she picked up at the third ring.

" Hey babe". Cassandra said.

" are you?".

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