Chapter 10

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Once again, this kind of familiarity made Lisa feel uncomfortable, she slightly moved to the side. Jisoo flinched her eyes and smiled: "Ok, I won't bother you any longer, work hard!"

Lisa walked with Jisoo to the door and then back to her seat thinking silently. Then she got a text a short while later. "There was someone who asked for your phone number but I didn't give it to them. If he wanted to see my savior, he should show some sincerity right?"

After taking a glance over the text, Lisa threw the cellphone aside, continuing to work on the case.

There is an unexpected meal sent to the team at dinner time, called for Lisa to receive. It's a very nice meal sent from the restaurant CC. Lisa thought it's from her caring brother, so she didn't pay much regard to it.

Later on that night, when Lisa called Mingyu inquiring about the meal, he casually said, he was busy with a meeting the whole evening that he did not have time to be a caring brother to do that for her.

Lisa then realized right away whom it's from: "It's Jisoo."

Mingyu seems to be quite surprised: "Which Jisoo?"

"That Jung Jisoo."

"What? Why did she send you dinner?"

Lisa told him about how she saved her, Mingyu trembled: "Nothing happened to you right?"

"Of course, nothing happened to me." Lisa replied.

"What about Jisoo?"

"She was badly injured then, but she is fine now."

Hearing that, Mingyu felt relieved. Then he started to tease his sister, saying it is Lisa's first time receiving a loving meal, however, it's too bad that it actually came from a woman. He heard that Jisoo is a famous beautiful and intelligent woman, went on asking Lisa how she thinks about Jisoo. Lisa furrows her eyebrow says she is very busy that she doesn't have time to chat nonsense with him, thus ended the call.

Who knew after that, the next 2 days Jisoo would still continue to send lunch and dinner to the station for her? Other than the meal, there is also a big box of fresh fruits, enough to share among everyone in the team.

This action from Jisoo alarmed the director so he actually came to ask about it personally while also eating some purple mangosteen.

Lisa isn't the type of person appreciate being in the center of attention so she called Jisoo right away about it. But Jisoo said in a gentle and firm voice, that Lisa is working really hard so to show her sincerity, she already ordered and paid for a whole month of meals and fruits which she cannot refund anyway.

Lisa was too busy with the case that she cannot be bothered with such trivialities so she lets Jisoo have her way.

But the case still didn't make any big breakthroughs. Other than the patrolling at the parks, the backup team also investigated people who have criminal history around the area.

Lisa decided to check out the situation at the crime scene.

Weekday's evening, there are only a few people at the park. There're a few old men who playing chess. Lisa went to the area where Jisoo got hurt. She suddenly noticed a man who was sitting out in the open, under such burning sun, smiling at her.

It's the man who was with Jisoo on that day, named Jung Jaehyun.

Unlike the last time, he was wearing a dark shade of white work out outfit that really show up his pale skin even more, thus making him look even younger. The short black hair fell on his forehead accompanying his sparkling eyes, he looked very handsome like a star in a magazine.

"At last, I've waited 5 days to see you!." Jaehyun dust off the grass on his body stretching up, strolled towards Lisa. His tall build overshadows Lisa in just a moment: "I want to have dinner with you."

Lisa furrowed her eyebrows looking at him strangely:" I don't want to, please move aside." Then walked around Jaehyun to inspect the grass under her feet.

Jaehyun stood frozen on there a couple of seconds before snapping back to reality, while Lisa doesn't seem to care about his presence. He always knew that his appearance attracts attention from women. He knew that there's possibility on meeting the police officer that he has been interested in, so he especially took a care for his appearance today.

He did think about the chance that he would get reject but he couldn't help but be surprised at Lisa's reaction. No tract of shy, fright, tense, or indecisiveness.

She doesn't have the reaction of a normal women when being chased after by a man like him.

He quietly checked out Lisa. She was wearing a black jacket with a white t-shirt on the inside, which made her look especially fragile. Her build was already petite and fragile; standing next to him made her even more so.

But this little girl has the audacity to reject him.

Jae decided to try another way: "What are you busying with? Investigating the case?"

Lisa  did not even bother to raise her head to look at him while replying: "A police officer is trying to do an investigation, please go somewhere else." Then she stood up to attentively looking over the surrounding.

To be honest, Lisa did have some impression of him. He was quite a mouthful. When she did the emergency aid, he was on the side saying something on that day.

That's why, in her eyes, he was just a conceited man who just wanted to have a meal with her.

Of course, she won't be bothered about it.

Jae was silent for a moment then turned around and walked away. Lisa can hear his footsteps further and further away, at last the surroundings went silent.

After staying there for a while, Liaa decided to go to the next park. Before leaving, Lisa suddenly remembered Jaehyun, looking around felt relieved to find him nowhere in sight.

Surprisingly, Lisa heard footsteps behind her just when she reached the park gate. She stopped in her tracks and turned around just to find him following not too far behind her.

"Can I help you with anything?" Lisa asked.

"I want to have a meal with you."

"I decline"


Lisa didn't look at him again and continued to walk away. But he quickly caught up. Lisa turned around, he looked at her and smiled, with curious and a bit of taunting eyes.

Lisa has never met anyone who is this persistent and also she didn't really understand him. She rejected him outright but with no result. She would never want to talk needlessly. She didn't care about him thus quickly leaving the park to the underground train.

There were neither many nor few people at the train station. Lisa stood in a corner then quickly found Jae standing in front of her in about a meter away. He leaned on the train's pole and arm crossed staring at her. Lisa pretended like he didn't exist and coldly looked outside the window.

However, the people around weren't acting calm like Lisa.

Jaehyun was tall and big with long arms and long legs thus occupied a corner. Plus, his appearance was very extraordinary, an arrogant beauty that was really eyes catching. The surrounding people subconsciously kept him at a distance while some girls occasionally glanced over to take a look at him.

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