Chapter 20

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There was a situation similar to this that had happened before.

In high school, all the students were still shy about sexual-related ideas. One day, after school, a few students stayed behind to gossip with each other, they had discussed ideas about whether this guy or this girl already had "indecent contact". At this time, Lisa was also present; there was one girl who was close with Lisa among them; she asked her what she thought about it.

Lisa doesn't know who the couple they were talking about so she just said her honest opinion about the nature of this idea, "Sex is a natural action of animals."

All the female students didn't even dare to mention the words "get on bed"* They were stunned by Lisa's belief.

*This is a direct translation: It's weird but you know what it means right? :)

Over there, Tae trembled while typing a word, "You..."

Lisa, "?"

Just after she typed the question mark, she immediately heard a calm voice echo from behind, "Lisa, get in my office this instant."

Lisa turned around and immediately saw Jungkook holding a cup of hot water; perhaps he had just came back from the break room. He glanced down at her once before turning around to return to his office.

Lisa felt that she didn't say anything that was so excessive, but it still wasn't good to let Jungkook see it. She immediately stood up to follow him into his office.

Just when Lisa sat down, Jungkook steadily spoke up, "To my standard, this morning's workout is just a warm up, the abuse hasn't started yet."

Lisa: "..."

Jungkook took out a stack of documents and threw it at Lisa, "This is the report that the higher-ups need, you have to do it and turn it to me before leaving tomorrow."

Lisa opened it and asked a couple of questions about the points which she didn't understand. Jungkook's phone suddenly rang when he was about to answer Lisa's questions.

It was an important call; Jungkook held the phone and stood up, gesturing Lisa to wait for him. Then, he walked into the small meeting room next to his office.

Because Jungkook didn't let her go, Lisa obediently sat and waited for him. She had already gone over the documents after a short time, Jungkook still hadn't returned. Lisa, in boredom, raised her head to observe the surroundings.

It was only the beginning of the evening; the sunlight shone through the window into the office, coloring the floor the color of warm yellow.

The office chair in Jungkook's office was made from real leather and was also spacious. Lisa sat under the sunlight for a moment before her eyes began to close, then she leaned back, and she relaxedly closes them completely.

After finishing the phone call, Jungkook returned to the office to find Lisa sleeping

Her petite body was curled up on the spacious chair, her head slightly leaning to one side, and her arms were placed on the armrests. She looked matured, like a middle-aged woman. Her face looked a bit pale and her black eyebrows were furrowed making her look exhausted.

It seemed true that she was really tired.

Jungkook looked at Lisa for a couple of seconds before returning to his seat, lighting up a cigarette, he quietly holds it up to his mouth to inhale.

He was giving her 10 minutes to rest.

However, Lisa woke up before the 9-minute mark.

She was woken up by the sound of the pages being turned. Glancing up, she immediately saw Jungkook sitting in front of her since who-knows-when. He was looking down slightly, one hand was holding a cigarette, and the other hand was turning the pages of the file, looking emotionless.

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