Chapter 74

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Although the vast mountains, lush green grasslands and endless landscape all remained untouched, the winding mountain road was not as peaceful as it used to be.

Vans with "XX TV station" and "XX newspaper" plastered across their sides raced along the road. Moreover, there were groups of college students who made their way up the mountain, either on bike or on foot. The whole atmosphere was very noisy and tense.

Jungkook frowned and asked, "What happened?"

Taehyung quickly hung up the phone and answered, "I just heard the news myself. A group of students were the first to discover the body - turns out, the deceased was a college student as well. The news has spread throughout the entire city, and as such, volunteers from several universities have gone to the mountain to participate in the search. Da Hu and the others are now doing their best to stop them."

Although the police officers had stopped most of the people at the foot of the mountain, many people had gone up the mountain before they had arrived. The narrow mountain paths were now crowded with vans and groups of college students could be seen everywhere.

By the time Jungkook and the others arrived at the crime scene, it was already in the afternoon. They slowly waded through the throngs of reporters and students who were now waiting outside the blockade to attempt to get to the mountain trail. When they saw Jungkook and the others, the flashlights got even brighter and some students shouted out loud. "When will the police catch the serial killer?"

Jungkook maintained a straight face and did not answer the question, instead leading several senior criminal police officers and Lisa straight to the crime scene.

The crime scene was a secluded cave which the police unit had already lit up with spotlights. The body was lying deep inside the cave in the same position and with the same peaceful expression as the previous two victims.

Over the past few days, Da Hu had been moving around the forest area, so when he saw the rest of the team, he immediately came forward. "The deceased was a year four student at Lin University called Hwang Yeji."

Then, Da Hu briefly talked about her background. Yeji was originally a member of Lin University's Outdoor Sports Association. Ten days ago, she went hiking in the mountains by herself. Since the forest area was so large, the patrolling police officers did not know which route she had used either. Two days ago, her classmates realized that she still had not returned despite it being past her scheduled return date. They also could not contact her. Because of this, they spontaneously organized a search party to comb the mountains. They also contacted the local police force but they did not expect to find her body that soon. Some villager must have leaked the fact that more than one person has already died. Thus, the situation became this chaotic.

Jungkook, Old Wu, and Lisa walked to the body. The forensics detective quickly wrapped up his test and told them, "The initial estimated time of death was between 8.00pm to 10.00pm last night. Just like the first two victims, the cause of death was potassium cyanide poisoning; her other injuries are basically the same."

Lisa asked, "Is it possible for the murderer to delay the time of death?"

The forensic doctor shook his head. "No. Potassium cyanide is a relatively potent toxin. A person will die within 58 seconds of taking it, leaving behind some unique reactions on the skin as well as eyelids. These symptoms are not affected by temperature or humidity. Therefore, the estimated time of death should be accurate."

Everyone fell quiet. They looked at the corpse again and saw some messy footprints all around the soil. Da Hu sighed. "The students left it behind."

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