Chapter 80

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Half a year later.

It was May, and the hints of warmth reminded Lin City of the slow approach of summer. However, there was some light rainfall early in the morning today, such that the air was pleasantly refreshing under the shimmering sun.

Jungkook stood at the entrance of the airport in a black suit with his hands folded in front of him. He could be mistaken for a handsome model as he stood in the midst of the bustling crowd, even attracting quite a bit of attention due to his tough and mature appearance.

Jungkook did not have to wait too long before Jimin, Monkey, and the others appeared. Each of them carried a small suitcase as they leisurely strolled out of the airport. when they saw each other, big smiles spread on every single one of their faces.

Jimin spoke first. "Wow, as expected, you're completely different now that you're a dad. Look at the smug look on your face, you can't wait to show off your success in life!"

Everyone laughed as Monkey added, "Naturally, Jungkook always made sure to think everything through carefully and he has ended up with a wife and a child."

Jungkook smiled and shrugged. "I can't help it. I can't deny how lucky I am."

Everyone laughed and mocked him for his arrogant tone.

A total of three cars drove from the airport back to the city. Jungkook drove his own with Jimin in the passenger seat, Monkey and another friend in the back. All of them have been to Lin City before, but this was their first time in summer. They were soon taken aback at how lush, fresh, and pleasant the city seemed as Monkey whistled softly. "The weather here is much better than the weather in Beijing - it's too hot and dry over there."

Before Jungkook could answer him, Jimin smirked. "What did you expect? This is Third Jeon's blessed land."

The other friend snickered and chimed in, "Do you guys remember? When Third Brother Jeon returned to Beijing last year, he claimed that he did not have a girlfriend. In less than two years, he got married and his child is now already one month old. Are all criminal police officers like this? They're so agile, accurate and brutal."

Jungkook was in a good mood as he answered, "Was it that fast? After meeting the right person, I feel like two years just flew by."

His words sounded romantic yet boastful. The rest of them signaled each other with their eyes and they quickly expressed their admiration and envy by making wolf whistles and kissing sounds... However, they genuinely felt a little embarrassed as all of them still did not have their own families - because of this, they really did admire Jungkook.

The right person, huh? Not everyone would be so lucky to meet the right person in life. It doesn't matter who the individual is, they would need a little luck in order to meet a partner who they would end up being a match made in heaven with.

The full moon party was set in one of the hotels in the city. There was still some time left before the party started, so Jungkook brought Jimin and the others to their room upstairs. Then, he returned home to pick up his wife and child.

Jimin and the rest could not sit still for long. What was so fun about staying inside the hotel room? After they took a shower and changed their clothes, they strolled downstairs fully dressed.

The hotel was newly constructed and very large. The garden was filled with lush green plants and only a few patches of sunlight could be seen poking through the vibrant garden hanging overhead. It was quiet and beautiful, making it a great place for people to stroll around.

Jimin called for the waiter to book a lounge for them to chat, play cards, and drink tea together. The lounge was covered in a red velvet carpet with many leather sofas arranged tastefully in the center. There was also a floor-to-ceiling glass window which allowed them to look out at the beautiful view of the garden as they enjoyed themselves.

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