Chapter 55

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The task force tracked them for two days.

On the afternoon of the third day, they arrived at Maija City. From what they knew, this was where Brother Lu's criminal group often roamed about, hence the task force became warier of the people around them.

Maija City was one of the liveliest cities in Northern Myanmar but was not very different from any rural-suburban town on the fringes of China. Newly constructed buildings stood adjacent to the forest and farmlands, and the BMW and Benz cars on highways sat shoulder to shoulder with agricultural tractors.

In the city center was a large city block packed with a huge number of casinos and nightclubs. Neon lights flashed intrusively during the day as the thumping music pounded the ears of the wide variety of people who walked the streets. The task force made their way to a small inconspicuous building behind a casino where they quickly settled down.

The task force did not carry out the arrest right away, instead, they did as Lisa had suggested by preparing a long-term plan to catch the bigger fish. Director Sun, the head of the operation, arranged for two criminal police officers to keep watch near the casino while the others spread out to look for accommodation.

Owing to the fact that the local gangs were unpredictable, Director Sun asked Ti Sa to look for a hotel far away so as to not accidentally alert them. They soon settled on a farmer's hotel, which was a small building made out of three-ply wood; It was plain-looking and quiet, and also had a huge paddy field located in front of the entrance despite it being very near to the highway.

Director Sun gathered everyone for a brief meeting where he discussed their next moves and delegated jobs, then he waved his hand to dismiss them. "We've been worked to the bone over the past few days, go to sleep so we can get started tomorrow morning."

Jungkook took a shower after he returned to his room, then he fell asleep. By the time he woke up, the sun was already setting. He rolled out of bed and sent a message to Lisa. "Have you eaten yet?"

Her reply came almost immediately. "I just got to the dining hall."

Jungkook smiled and replied. "Wait for me, I'll come downstairs now."

The dining hall was located on the first floor, it was open-aired and there were a few tables set up. When Jungkook went downstairs, he saw Lisa sitting at a white plastic table not far away, with her back facing him. The corner of his lip curled up slightly, but as he was about to walk over, Chen Yalin and another criminal police officer from the table beside him called out to him, "Jungkook, sit over here." Before he could protest, he was hauled over and seated down.

Lisa had specifically picked an empty table to wait for him, so when she heard the noise from the others, she turned to take a glance then continued eating with her head lowered.

Ti Sa had reserved the whole hotel, so ten other soldiers were also sitting or crouching around the corridor outside the building as they carried plates and ate. A few of them even made a fire and grilled some food for themselves.

A few bites into her meal, Lisa suddenly felt a presence opposite of her, and when she looked up, she saw that it was, in fact, a young soldier with tanned skin. He smiled meekly at her, then placed a piece of grilled fish on her plate.

Lisa was a bit confused and waved her hand at him. "Uh... No, thank you."

However, the soldier did not understand her, and so he nodded at her then walked away. When he was a few steps away, he waved his hand at the soldiers in the corridor and pumped his hand inward in a victory gesture; the other soldiers saw this and cheered whilst smiling at Lisa.

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