Chapter 40

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The shadow from the curtains and the swaying trees outside overlapped rhythmically with each other on the patio of the brightly illuminated villa. Lisa looked at Jungkook's dark eyes and said,

"First of all, according to the latest test results from forensics, Jisoo died between 9 pm to 11 pm. The surveillance tape showed that Kim Jiseok arrived at the villa after 12 am, so he's not the murderer. Considering the content of the text message and the clothes that he didn't get to throw away, his testimony is credible. It was true that he was called to the villa at the very last minute.

"Secondly, Jung Jia was also not the murderer. According to the surveillance tape and her testimony, she did not stay at the crime scene for more than one hour. It's impossible for a lone woman to kill someone, destroy the surveillance camera, add a few more stab wounds, and finally clean up the scene in such a short period of time. Moreover, it is impossible to explain the two types of injuries found on the body.

Kim Jiseok can't be the second one who stabbed the deceased since the surveillance tape showed that Jung Jia had already left when he arrived. Besides, where would he have found a razor blade on a deserted mountain in the middle of the night?

"Now that the two people who appeared at the crime scene during the incident aren't the murderers, we need to go back to the start and figure out where we went wrong.

"We estimated Jisoo's time of death based on the test results from the forensics team and the text message that she sent out at 10.17 pm asking for help. However, Jung Jia had mentioned in her testimony that it was very cold that night and the indoor air conditioner was on. This is very strange since it's spring now. Since it gets cold late at night, by right, the heater should have been switched on. Why did Jung Jia say that it was very cold? I deduce that the estimated time of death was incorrectly pushed to be later in the night due to the cold temperature and that the actual time of death was a little earlier than 9 pm.

"In addition to this, Jung Jia also mentioned that she had heard the sound of the microwave when she entered the villa. However, Jisoo made salad and salmon that night, so she did not need to use a microwave. The sound that Jung Jia heard might not the sound of a microwave, but the sound of a text message being successfully delivered. I've checked the internet and found that there's new mobile phone software that has a setting that allows it to send text messages at the fixed time. If the murderer was good with technology, then they could easily download a virus to delete the software after sending the text message. With this, they could erase any traces of it.

Therefore, the murderer had most likely made it so that the text message would be sent at a fixed time, then switched on the air conditioner. By doing this, the murderer was able to confuse us about the time of death. However, the phone was accidentally taken by Jung Jia who had arrived at the crime scene later on.

"If that assumption is true, then we will need to focus on those who do not have an alibi before 10 pm. According to their testimonies, only the eldest child, Jung Jinhwan and the second child, Jung Misun fits the description of the murderers that we're looking for.

As for Jung Jia, I think that she probably saw the eldest child and second child's car on her way to the crime scene, or she already knew who the murderers were. Therefore, she wanted to go to jail in place of her big brother and second sister. When she arrived at the crime scene, Jisoo should have already been dead."

Right after Lisa finished talking, she looked towards Jungkook. There was a faint sense of confidence and anticipation in her serious eyes.

Jungkook smiled slightly, "Yes. In fact, I've suspected this since the beginning. How can someone who cleaned up the crime scene so well not prepare an alibi for herself? Though, you have missed the most important point."

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