Mingyu part 2

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Tzuyu had lost her father when she was very young. She and her brother had been brought up by their mother alone. As a result, her character was very much like her mother's: strong, independent, and quiet. After a bout of serious illness at the age of eight, she had lost her sight in both eyes. Her mother and five-year-old brother had held her and wailed in grief. However, she had softly comforted them and told them not to worry, as she would take care of herself.

What's more, she had resolutely kept her word. She lived her life to the fullest, and it was not any less than that of the average person.

She had met Mingyu at the most difficult time of her life. Their mother was gravely ill, and as a result, the little sum of money she had scrimped and saved from several years of running the bookstore were gone, like water down the drain. Her brother had wanted to help with the household expenses, but had encountered trouble at the nightclub. Thus, while Mingyu's intervention may have seemed as easy as the lifting of a finger, a task that wasn't difficult at all to him, to her it was God-sent. It was as if someone had sent her coal in bitter winter. The matter was forever engraved on her heart.

However, she fully realised that life is in the hands of Fate. After having met him twice, she thought it was unlikely that she would have further interaction with Mingyu. Who would have foreseen that three days later in the afternoon, an unexpected visitor would grace the bookstore, redolent with greenery and books.

The visitor's footsteps were light and graceful, and headed directly for the counter where she was sitting behind. The store assistant was about to move forward, when the visitor said softly, "You don't need to be concerned about me. I'm looking for your boss."

Tzuyu recognised her voice- the lady who had been sitting with Mingyu that day. She immediately stood up and said, "Hello."

Lisa stood in front of her.

Although the Kim siblings were completely different in terms of character, at times, their judgement of a person's character and preferences was exceptionally in sync. For instance today, Lisa's route had taken her past this bookstore, and she had naturally thought of taking a look around the store. Moreover, her heart felt at ease when she gazed upon Tzuyu's clean and fair complexion.

"Hello, I'm Lisa." She got straight to the point, and held out her hand to Tzuyu.

Tzuyu smiled slightly, and held out her hand too. There was a small gap between their hands so Lisa took the initiative to move her hand slightly forward and grasped Tzuyu's hand.

Tzuyu personally accompanied Lisa as she browsed amongst the bookshelves. Lisa selected some books on social psychology, and was muttering to herself indecisively. when Tzuyu smiled and said, "Books on child-rearing are in Aisle 5, and there are some foreign magazines on firearms at the last row of shelves."

Lisa was startled. Staring at Tzuyu, she asked, "How did you know?" Tzuyu laughingly said, "I have an acute sense of smell. You have a faint scent of milk powder, as well as the lingering smell of gunpowder."

When Lisa returned home that night, she told Jungkook about the day's occurrences. Jungkook grabbed her waist and stuck his face into her collar. "Is there the smell of milk powder? Let me smell you and check it out thoroughly."

After a substantial interval, Jungkook was satisfied enough to release her. However, he also had to admit that, even with his heightened sense of smell, he was still unable to discern any such scents on her.

Covering the red marks all over her neck which he had left as he 'smelled' her, she cupped her chin with her hands and sighed, "Her sense of smell is really exceptional ah. If only she weren't blind, she would be a valuable asset to the police force!"

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