Chapter 23

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What you said is right, a person's nature is very hard to control.

Hello, Lisa.

Lisa remained silent for a couple of seconds before holding on to the bouquet with difficulty. She wanted to find a place to throw the bouquet away. Rosé who is sitting in front of her looked over while leaning her chin on her hand, "Tell me honestly or else - you have a boyfriend, right?"

After what Rosé said, everybody looked in Lisa's direction, their eyes showed hints of a smile..

Lisa shook her head, "No."

But nobody believed her, they excitedly asked questions about the future son in law of the police team. Lisa can't help but answer honestly, "I went to an arranged date last week, but it wasn't a success. However, the other person is a bit stubborn about it."

Everybody was stunned because Lisa usually gives off an introverted and classy aura. . Surprisingly, she also wanted to find a boyfriend.

The police station is full of men and a few women. For a single lady who does not look bad like Lisa, of course, she gets quite a lot of attention from everyone. By lunchtime, the rumor went around that there is a son from a rich family who is pursuing Lisa of the competence team of the station. Even the boss asked Jungkook about it after they've finished their morning meeting: "I heard that Lisa of your team is getting married off? You have to investigate him carefully for me, we are the family from the girl's side."

Jungkook laughed, "I know."

Lisa was busy the whole morning. By lunch, she doesn't have an appetite to eat so she took her phone to an empty corner and dials Jaehyun's phone number. Nobody picked up after 5 times, Lisa is a bit angered. She then ran down to the station guard's room to tell him if there is ever flowers for her again, he has to refuse it no matter what.

However, it seems that the guard received some sort of bribe, moreover he doesn't think this is such a bad thing, therefore, he acts dumb about it, "What? I don't know, I don't have the right to decline.."

At this time, Jaehyun checked his cell phone and saw all the missed calls while imagining Lisa's dark face. He knew that she is going to be mad, also that doing what he did probably won't get her to like him. But he still felt unsettled from the rejection last time. The purpose of sending her flowers is to get some kind of attention from her. He doesn't care whether it is bad or good, first of all, he wanted her attention to be on him.

Lisa didn't eat lunch so she doesn't know that she became a hot topic that everyone is gossiping about in the team. Someone said it is surprising that such a little girl could be seductive. Another said, there are a lot of single men in our team *quote right superintendent?

*Quote, "the women in the team shouldn't marry people outside the team when there are men in the team" It means something like that...

Jungkook lights up a cigarette, leaned back and smiled, "You guys can't do it."

Her brain wave is different from everyone else, afraid that a typical man wouldn't be able to capture the signal.

Till now, Jungkook had always predicted outcomes like a god; he is the king of prediction at this police station. Hearing what he said, everyone became curious. But Jungkook didn't answer when they asked for the reason, instead, he just stood up to pay.

When it is time to leave, Jisoo called asking Lisa to a meal on Saturday.

After the knives case, they kept in contact. They occasionally call each other, and they also had tea together once. To be fair, Lisa has taken a liking to Jisoo. She is outgoing and smart but at the same time gentle and independent. She always made others feel very comfortable.

Lisa agreed. Jisoo is about to end the call, Lisa sudden remembered it and spoke up to ask, "Is Jaehyun going to be there?"

Jisoo laughed, "What did he do to make you avoid him as if you're avoiding snakes and insects?"

Lisa answered, "He faked to be an engineer for an arranged date. After that, he also made trouble for me."

Jisoo laughed loudly then ended with a promise, "Okay, don't worry. I won't let him bother us on our date."

After hanging up the phone, Jisoo immediately called Jaehyun, "You can't do it, you got disqualified, right?"

Jaehyun answered, "Still early, I have been pursuing her for just a few days."

Jisoo laughed, "You can even pretend to be an engineer, what other tricks do you have left?"

"I have already investigated, everyday she runs in the morning at the police station's track field. I'll go there on the weekend."

"What? You are planning to show off your muscles?"

"Of course. You think I work out everyday for fun? I will appear in front of her with this new appearance."

Jisoo smiled lightly then spoke slowly, "I find Lisa more and more interesting as I get to know her. Maybe you two will make a great couple, like Yin and Yang."

This week, Lisa is tired of receiving all the flowers. But Jaehyun never once appeared, also not receiving her calls. In the end, she doesn't want to care about it any longer.

The sky is nice on the weekend. It is the end of spring so morning comes earlier than usual.

When Lisa reached the field, the sun was already up.

She saw Jungkook sitting on an equipment, holding up a bottle of water that reached his mouth as she got there. Rosé was wearing a light brown workout outfit, her long hair is down, standing in front of Jungkook. She doesn't know what she said, but Jungkook smiled lightly.

Lisa ran up to them, "Good morning."

Rosé smiled sweetly, "Good morning."

Lisa silently accepted. She forgot her purse leaving the house so she had to come back to get it.

She had to run an extra lap.

Lisa didn't say anything and turned around to run to the running track.

Even with the presence of the outgoing Rosé, the whole running time was still in silence. Rosé's physical ability was excellent at the police academy, therefore, the placement of the 3 of them was: Jungkook was in first place, next was Rosé, and of course, Lisa was last.

Lisa noticed that during the run, Rosé liked to compete with Jungkook. Because Jungkook left Lisa and Rosé a couple of laps behind, therefore, he often passed the two of them. Whenever this happens, Rosé would increase her speed like she wanted to be on the same level as him. But Rosé could only endure for some time before slowing down. At that time, she looked a bit down but was once again enthusiastic, as she turns her head to smile at Lisa with her face all red.

And Jungkook still maintained his light smile as he continued to run at the speed.

While Lisa's brain wave is indifferent, seeing their figures far from behind, she still felt a bit lonely.

Because Rosé was enthusiastic while Jungkook was full of energy.

And she is like a snail, crawling slowly.


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