Chapter 42

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It was hazy in the morning and the air was chilly as Lisa drove on a wide road with an unobstructed view.

Yesterday, Jungkook told her that they could restart their morning practice after a few days rest and she agreed that she ought to have a good rest. Even so, who would have thought that her biological clock would still wake her up even after the case ended? She automatically opened her eyes at 5.00 am in the morning with her mind wide awake.

Thus, she simply just went with the flow.

As it was nearing early summer, the sky brightened up earlier. When Lisa walked to the front door of the stadium, there was already a steady stream of people doing their morning exercises as they steadily ran past her. She scanned through the entire runway, but she did not spot Jungkook, so she buried herself in her music and began the long training session.

Jungkook got up on time today. After many years of being in the criminal investigation career, he had already adapted to the hectic all day and night schedule and the over exertion of his physical strength during a major case. After closing the case, he could now naturally return to his usual work schedule.

After completing his morning weights training, he was dripping with sweat as he sat on the equipment to take a rest. He casually flipped through the newly created encrypted folder called "Slender" on his phone. Then, he heard some familiar footstep approach him. When he raised his head, he saw an emotionless woman running past him on the track in front of him.

Jungkook watched her slender figure and his lips curled up slightly. He put the phone back in his pocket and went after her.

Lisa heard the sound of steady and powerful footsteps behind her, so she habitually moved aside to let the person pass her. As that person gradually got closer and brushed past her with his heated body, she felt someone lightly pat her head.

She raised her head and saw Jungkook's tall body in front of her. His well-defined face was drenched in sweat and a smile seemed to flash in his dark eyes.

She smiled out of surprise. "Teacher."

Jungkook was at ease and nodded lightly. "How many laps have you completed?"

"...half a lap."


However, it was way too eye-catching when someone as tall and big as Jungkook slowed down to run alongside her. After running half a lap, an acquaintance from the Economic Investigation Division grinned at them cheekily as he jogged past them.

Jungkook greeted him with a calm face. Nonetheless, Jungkook did not intend to match her snail-like speed, so after awhile, the distance between the both of them started to grow again. When Jungkook was running by himself, he thought, 'This can't continue any longer. The news has started to spread already even before I have started pursuing her.' Jungkook wasn't the type to draw attention to his private life, and the same went for Lisa. Moreover, being under public scrutiny was more of a hindrance than a helping hand.'

It seemed like he needed to go about his task with a lower profile from now on.

After they were done with training, the two of them went to the small conference room as usual. They quietly watched the sun rise and ate breakfast while they read the newspaper.

Jungkook suddenly asked, "What's the progress of your shooting and strength training?"

Lisa answered, "I've been doing the strength training at home every day and I plan to go to the shooting range this weekend to practice my shooting."

Jungkook did not say anvthing. After a while he briefly asked with his gaze fixed on the newspaper, "Are there any technical problems with your marksmanship?"

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