Chanyeol part 2.2

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Park Shuhua was the first to perceive a change in Chanyeol.

The Chanyeol of the past was as close to her as a husband to a wife, but, right from the time she had known him, he had always been unspeakably wilful and possessed an air of desolation, something that she had both loved and hated. Recently, he had become more gentle and often took the initiative, kissing her more warmly than before, and the eyes which looked at her were full of love. His every movement oozed with the alluring sexuality of a mature man.

He was also increasingly adept at managing his work. Under his charge, the Park group underwent a period of rapid expansion. Everyone said that Chanyeol was leading the Park group into the second phase of high-speed growth... *(-handling a butcher's cleaver with ease)

He was like a precious gem which had been hidden in the dust for a long time. Now, after the dust had finally been washed off, he had begun to shine brilliantly.

"Why?" On one occasion, Park Shuhua had asked this as she gasped for breath, pressed beneath Chanyeol's body and his eager demands.

Chanyeol lowered his head to kiss her deeply. After a long time, he stared at her and said, "Because I love you. Actually, I've always known, and you've always known as well, right? In the past, I was unwilling to face up to my own heart."

These were the most moving lovers' words Park Shuhua had ever heard in her entire lifetime. Even though she was an intelligent, capable, hard-headed businesswoman, she could not help being intoxicated by his words.

After she was diagnosed with cancer, Park Shuhua made a will leaving all her assets to Chanyeol without the slightest hesitation. She had no husband and no children, and Chanyeol had been with her for so many years. If she didn't give it all to him, then who would she give it to?

Chanyeol did not have much of a reaction to this. He only smiled faintly as he told her. "Do what makes you happy."

Park Shuhua had some regrets, but also felt some gratification. She knew why Chanyeol was so indifferent - the person that he was now could easily conquer the entire business world by himself. He was the person she had personally groomed, but, now, the student had surpassed the master. If he continued to stay by her side, it was mostly out of affection.

Of late, the two of them had been less and less intimate. Park Shuhua was residing in a private nursing home far away from the urban area, and Chanyeol had put aside all his work, to be at her beck and call. There were doctors and nurses who were unable to pick up on the clues, and laughingly commented, "Mr. Chan treats President Park better than a biological son." Even Park Shuhua, when she was only semi-lucid, would sometimes caress his head, and sigh, "If my own son had survived, he would be twenty-two years old. If you were really my son, wouldn't that be great?"

Whenever he heard such shamless words, Chanyeol's expression could be considered the epitome of brilliance. He said, "The way we are now, there is no difference. It's wonderful if you see me as your lover, it's just as wonderful if you see me as your son. From beginning to end, you are the most important woman to me."

Even though most of his time was spent at the nursing home, Chanyeol still had to return to the company frequently in order to manage its affairs.

It was at this time that Baekhyun appeared.

Some people are naturally born to be outstanding. No matter what position they are in, they will attract everyone's attention.

Like Baekhyun.

He was their partner company's youngest project manager, brimming with talent that astonished everyone. In addition, he was of handsome appearance, and possessed a steady and humorous character. His background was clearly of little note, but he quickly made a name for himself in the business world. Chanyeol rapidly became firm friends with Baekhyun. Both were intelligent, experienced and worldly-wise, and both were determined and enterprising. In addition, both had similar tastes, and similar wild ambitions... Chanyeol liked to spend time in the company of this youngster, and even spared no effort to support him.

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