Chapter 13

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Some parts of the story is pure thinking because I can't find it anywhere because I can't find it anywhere on the internet



'Oyakata-sama is here'


Y/n's POV


'Please come in'.A girl said , is she the one form the Final Selection?

I walked in a room and saw the pillars,great start......really

'Greetings'.I said bowing my head.

'Greeting,Takahashi Y/n'.Oyakata-sama said, I am nervous I mean like 9 scary people are looking at me and not to mention those childeren with wide purple eyes.....Shinobu was here too,wow.

'Please take a seat,I summond you because you were there when Kibutsuji Muzan met you and Tanjiro'.He said while a child walked me to a seat.He also order one of them to go somewhere I think,I didn't listen because it would be rude.

'I was'.I said,trying to calm down.

'Alright,would you please tell us what happend that day'.Oyakata-sama said.

'Me and Tanjiro got a message that a demon was hiding in Asukasa,Tokyo.Before we met with Kibutsuji Muzan we actually sat down to eat,Tanjiro who has a sharp nose smelled Muzan and ran off,I ran behind him and left Nezuko alone.

'Ugh that demon'.I heard a pillar mutter,that some pillars heard.I turned to him and looked at him for 3 seconds before continuing my story.

'Tanjiro grabbed Muzan Kibutsuji's shoulder and he turned to him,I just arrived behind Tanjiro and looked at Muzan'.I said.

'What did he look like?'.A guy with white are and nail polish asks me.

'Uhmm Muzan had pale white skin,curly hair with a fedora hat,red demon eyes.Wore a tuxedo and white pants.He has a 'child and a 'wife that night too so he easily blend in with humans'. I answered.

'Thank you Y/n,please continue what happend that night'.Oyakata-sama asks.

'Hai,both me and Tanjiro were disgusted of that two humans were with a demon.His daugther said somethig nice to me and to avoid making a scene I talked to her normaly but Muzan asked us if he could help us with something-'.I was cut off.

'Why was he with two human beings?'.A pillar a snake asks.

'I....I don't know about that,sorry'.I said.

'After that his wife came and asks Muzan if he knew us and he said he didn't and that we mistaken him with someone else,I quickly apologized to them because it would be dumb to take out our swords and he his demon art.He said that it was okay but how he looked at me was scary and behind him he scrathed a man that was walking wiht his wife so  scene would be created'.I said.

'What do you mean Y/n-san?'.A girl asks with pink and green hair.

'Well he just looked at me,wide eyes,not blinking,staring right into my soul'.I said.

'Mph, I would me scared for a lifetime then'.She said.

'Continue'.A pillar with mis matched haori said.

'Hai, we looked at eacher when the guy he scratched dubbled over,both me and Tanjiro went to help the couple as the Tanjiro held the man down that was turned to a demon and I the woman,after that Tanjiro screamed that he will kill Muzan kibutsuji-'.I stoped when I realised that Tanjiro was emmbaressed about that when the trail was,I giggled.

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