Chapter 27

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Attacks used in this chapter:

Ninth form: Thunder Strikes,a series of attack with great speed,so its hard for the person who gets attack to follow the attacker.(Like the first form but longer)

Third form: Storm Upbringing,One of the fastest and brutal attacks,the attack is much more hasher than the other attacks but slower so this will hurt 


Last time in Walk in the Storm


'Hinatsuru-San, you have to get out of here and help others evacuate' Tanjiro said.

'You two will be alright,right?' She asked,I nodded.

'....okay,watch each other,okay?' She said.

'Always' Tanjiro said.

She ran away from the sight as we looked up ahead. The fight was much further away thanks to me so needed to run to help Uzui-san over there.

'Let's go!' I said,running ahead.

This time

Entertainment District arc: Advise


Y/n's POV

Tanjiro and I begin to move when there was a huge impact infront of us. Me,Tanjiro and Hinatsuru fell on the roof. We looked at each other,looking for answers for waht just happend.

'Look out!'

We turned right and saw Zenitsu and Inosuke......fighting belts

She really doesn't know when to stop,does she?!!!

'Hinatsuru,get out of here!'I said,unshealdng my blade.

'Dammit,I can't get close to that worm-lady!' Inosuke said.

'Do we really need to make it a four vs one?!'He added.

'At least this one is weaker!Let's decapitate this one first!' Zenitsu said.

'Tanjiro can you move?'Zenitsu asked.

Tanjiro didn't answer it as he stared at Uzui,who is fighting that other demon.

''I said,my yell quickly fading into a whisper as the belts surrounded him.

the sound of water was heard as the belts were cut.

'I can move!'Tanjiro yelled.

'But Uzui-san is poisoned and in bad shape,we have to finish this as soon as possible!'

I got infront of Tanjiro and blocked the other demon's attack.

'Phew,that was what is the plan?'I asked

A wicked laugh was heard

'I can see your movements are getting more and more sluggish! I wonder which one is going to fall first.'

We all ran towards her.

'She's really is a dummy'I said as I cut some belts.

'Inosuke! This demon's neck is to soft to cut!It's goign to take alot of speed!'Tanjiro said.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2022 ⏰

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