Chapter 20

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Last time in Walk in the Storm


'Hm! Hm!'.I heard Nezuko say,I rubbed the box.

'I didn't forget you Nezuko,glad to hear you'.I said.

'Hm! hm! hm!'

That night we spend the time,talking,eating and sleeping like we usually did.

This time

Entertainment District arc: My Flamboyant Kidnapper


Demon Slayers Corps Headquaters,Butterfly Estate,1 month later

Y/n's POV

A month had passed after the meeting. Reports came in but none of them mentioned something about demon animals. Tanjiro was off a mission,Inosuke was training in the woods while Zenitsu....

I sharpended my ears

' *tap* tap'

' *hums a song*'

'Flamboyant idea!'

'Owaaaaaaa,you ladies are quite the flowers,please accept these-'

Found him in a village near the Corps.I shook my head as I listened.I was in the care room,folding clothes with Aoi,I took of my haori since it got in the way.We had some small talks with each other.I told her all about the mission with giant insects when...

'Someone is coming'.I said.


The door busted opened revealing the Sound Hashira.We bowed to him.

'Tengen-san what are you doing her-Kyaa!'.Aoi said but he didn't let her finish before grabbing her and lifting her up.

'Aoi!-Excuse me!'.I said before he turend to me and did scooping me up like Aoi

'Uhm!'.I said as he walked away,to the entrance of the Butterfly Estate.Sumi,Naho and Kiyo saw this.

'Let them go!'.They said,running to the Sound Hashira.

'Oi,let me through!'.Tengen-san said.

'Let us go!'.Aoi said.

'Where are we going actually?!'.I asked.

Aoi and I begin to try to wiggle our way out of his arms.

'Oi,you two stop that and you,GET OFF!'.He said,using his leg to kick Naho away.

'Naho!'.I yelled.

'Kya! awww'.She said as she rubbed her arm that hit the wall.

'What are you doing?!'.I said.He turned to me.

'I need two demon slayer members for a mission'.He said.

'You could have asked!'.I yelled.

'I'm a Hashira and a former Shinobi,I don't ask,I order'.He said as he walked his way to the entrance outside,just one door away and we well end up somewhere in a mission.

Sumi,Naho and Kiyo begin to cry out loud sicne they couldn't stop the Hashira.This was heard by Kanao since she came rushing to the place.

'Kanao help please!'.I yelled to her but she stood completely still.At this point we're beggin him.I begin to hit his shoulder.

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