Chapter 23

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Last time in Walk in the Storm


'Ready Nezuko'.I asked.

'Hm!'.She said,I smiled and jumped out.

This time

Entertainment District arc: Inhale the Storm


Y/n's POV

I jumped down in a alley,I looked around the building and the streets,dime lights.I smiled and ran to the dime lighted alley,I stayed behind some boxes as I made my way further in the alley,the sound of people became fainter and fainter yet loud and louder.The way to Kyoguko House was full of people,I decided to use the roof instead and jsut follow the dime lights from there.I jumped up and ran on the roofplates,I followed the dime lights as much as possible.The way to the Kyoguko House was tough but I made it.

I stopped by a wall.I touched the wall with my hands,for sure a wall of the House.

I pushed my hair behind my ear as I focussed.

'Hm! Hm!'

'So I said to him.....'

' *agressive shamisen playing*.....'


'Oi! stop that!'

I frowned,something doesn't fit.....

I heard the people around my but somewhere there isn't any noise.....I looked down to the ground,no no....

Its the ground,it doesn't make noises.....


I shook my head but it got stopped by a shadow.On the ground was a shadow of a person,I looked up and saw........Oiran.

'What are you doing over there.......brat?'.She asked with a attitude. I bowed to her.

'Nothing Oiran-san,have a great night'.I said,wanting to walk away.

'Wait'.She said.

'Yes Oiran-sama'.I said,looking up.

'*smiles* Come here,let me get a good look at you'.She said,I nodded and took of the box straps and placed the box in the shadows.

'Nezuko,I have to go but I will return fast so wait here'.I said with a smile before I ran to the entrance.I walked up the stairs to where she was.I petted my kimono and walked around the corner where she was waiting.I smiled and bowed to her.

'You are quite the beauty,I presume you aren't from this House are you?'.She asked.

'I am from the Tokito House,a client wanted me but I don't really know this part of the District and I got lost'.I lied,calm yourself down.

'Oh,when did your client asked for you?'.She asked.

'23.00/11 pm'.I said.

'That means you have some time left....oh,your waist slash,it been torn.....come,I want to give you something'.She said,walking past me.I narrowed my eyes and followed her.The agressive shamisen stopped in the building as we entered her room.She walked to her drawer and took out....I held my breath in,using Storm Breathing to have a enough oxygen spread in my body

'Come here'.She said,I hesitated but walked to her.She removed my slash and replaced it with a new one,hot pink with a cross of the colours blue and black with orange stripes.

She tied it around my waist pretty tight.

'There,Luckly your blue kimono bring the colours of the slash out,your client will first look at your form,if you tie your slash tight you will get a even smaller waist'.She said,,tighten it even more.It was getting hard to breath

'T-thank you Oiran-sama'.I said.

'Hahaha no problem,go don't want to have your client waiting....and by the way,my name is Warabihime Oiran'.She said,My eyes widen but luckly my back was turned to her.I nodded and bowed to her before walking out her room.I turned the corner and breather out and coughed out.

That...that presence,it was so overwhelming.....I couldn't that is Oiran Warabihime..........I looked at the slash and loosend it up.I breathed out and then in.




I ran down the stairs and out the building,ran throught the alley and put on the box on my back.

'Nezuko I'm back,lets go'.I said,surprisingly she didn't made any noise.I ignored it and looked around the alley,there was another building,seperated from the House by the alley.In the letter stood that Oiran Warabihime would go to the alley with some ladies but only she would return.What stuck out were the bumps in the ground,I crouched down....







I stood up and shook my head and ran out the alley.Next to Ogimoto House where Inosuke is! I walked in the streets to and looked for sakura symbols on lanterns.There were some so I decided to follow them,it wasn't easy since I kept being squiched around in the streets.

There was a Oiran walking on the streets what of course attracted alot of people.I used this to my advance and ran in the streets,following the sakura symbols.The closer I got to the House,the dimmer they got.At some point where I stood behind the House,the lanterns didn't gave light.The wind picked up pace.

'What is happening?'.I asked out loud.



'(M/p/n)Ah shit-(R/n)!'.Inoko yelled as she was in a weird position.

'Who is (M/p/n) or (R/n)?' A women asked who was spying on Inoko.

'The presence......its coming to (R/n) Shit!!!!!!!!'.Inoko yelled as she busted throught the door.




I got goosebumps as looked around the alley.

' you also feel cold?'.I asked,talking of the box and placed it on the ground,I rubbed my arms and breathed out,the carbon dioxide turned into mist......

'How did the temperature took a such a big dive in some seconds?'.I asked myself,it got colder and colder by the seconds,I didn't noticed the slash got tighter and tighter.My hands begin to turn blue and pruple from the cold.A mocking laughter of a women was heard in the air as loud footsteps were hear as a window got busted open.The slash got tighter and tighter but it was replaced by a feeling of being pulled

'(M/P/N)!!!'.Inoko-Inosuke yelled,then the ground sunk in.

It all happened in seconds

Inosuke yelling my name

Me kicking the box away

I got inhaled by the ground

Ground closed up

Me falling down

The story will continue on another page

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