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I was trying to calm myself down, it's been 3 hours since my encounter with Nikum and I've been a mess since then. I was getting fine but my mother had to bring up the topic of him. And somehow she knew everything about him and told us from where he came, what he does, who are his parents and blah blah. When we asked how does she know all that she pretended not to hear that and asked for more roti. Typical Indian mother.

I was thinking about how I will talk to Nikum when Dev entered my room and lay beside me. I sat up and was ready to fight but when I saw him I stopped. His eyes were closed and he was biting his lips, something was wrong. I wanted to ask him but I decided not to as he will speak when he wants to. He opened his eyes and looked at me and smiled. But that smile was not genuine, it was not the kind of smile you give to people to tell them you are fine even if you are not, his smile almost showed me that he was in pain and he doesn't want to hide it. My heart ached to see him like this.

I opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted by a scream coming from downstairs, Dev shot up and looked at me. This was our mom. We ran downstairs as fast as we could and went near the door only to see Kanishk standing there constantly apologising.

"How man many times I told you NOT TO BRING THESE WEIRD MONSTER MASKS AT HOME!" Mom took the mask from his hand and threw it outside. Nick gasped at that but as mom glared at him he looked down.

"From now on you are banned to bring any of those things here okay? And I would not like to repeat myself", she said and went inside while murmuring how stupid we three are. I didn't even do anything!

"Come on guys now don't look at me that way, no not even in that way it's scarier, Dev stop!' Nick said that and made his way upstairs, we both sighed and followed him. We went into my room and nick was already there, lying on my bed, I went and sat beside him and Dev day opposite us in the binbag. We were silent for what felt like hours until Dev spoke,

"I want to go to therapy" his voice cracked and it was very low.

Kanishk sat up, his face showing a sigh of worry and so was mine. I didn't know what to say, I wanted to say the right thing so that he will not feel weird. I looked at Kanishk for help but he was already looking at me. I don't know why it was so hard to say anything.

Dev exhaled loudly and looked at us, he shook his hard, "You both will always be dumb, you guys don't have to say anything, I just wanted to say it out loud and not feel like I'm mental for going there-"

"Dev" I interrupted him, "going for therapy doesn't mean that you are mental okay-"

"Yes, it means that you are asking for help to heal" Nick finished my sentence and I looked at him proudly. My boy has grown up.

"For the past few months" Dev stood up and sat between me and nick, "I've been feeling very anxious and depressed" he took a breath and then continued, "I don't have any motivation left to do my work all I feel is tired and only wanting to sleep but I can't even sleep, I try but I can't. At first, I    was trying to just let it go and continue my daily routine but it became harder, I couldn't face people, and every time someone came to talk to me I just wanted to run away and hide, I don't know what is the reason, I try to talk myself down and think of why I'm acting like this but I just can't think of anything I- I just- it makes me frustrated because I don't know. And I don't know what to do, then I thought of therapy but I'm not sure because what will our parents think? And the society? I mean everyone is gonna claim me mad and they will think that I'm not stable to do work, I'll lose my job-"

"Dev stop, look at me" I took his hand and Kanishk gave him water to drink, "you are overthinking, you will not lose your job and fuck society and what they think. You are totally fine and there is nothing wrong with you, okay I mean look at you-"

"Sexy handsome boi," Nick said which made Dev chuckle.

"See I don't know what I should say that will make you feel better but one thing is that I'm with you and I will always be with you and our parents will not say anything, they want you to be happy and healthy I'm sure they'll support you, just try to be calm right now and stop looking at me that way it's making me feel weird"

He didn't speak for a full minute then hugged me and said, "I couldn't ask for a more awesome brother" to which nick asked what about him and we both laughed but nick was serious so Dev said that he was awesome too.

"Rav I feel so light! Feels like a load is off my chest"

I smiled at him, "If there's is anything you want and in any w,  a y I and nick can help just tell us, and we will do anything to help you"

"Yeah but no blowjobs," Nick said.

"Yup, nothing sexual," I said and fist-bumped nick.

"For sure will remember this" Dev played along.

We looked at each other and then burst into laughter. I looked at Dev and nick, they looked so happy and it made me happier. I wanted to freeze this moment or capture it so I could keep looking at it but clicking pictures will ruin the moment.

After that, we talked and talked for hours until nick fell asleep, and Dev felt sleepy and wanted to sleep there but I told him we all can't fit in this bed so he took the effort and went to his room. I couldn't fall asleep so I went outside, into my balcony. I looked up and could see the stars, they looked so beautiful. I soft breeze touched my face and I felt peaceful. Nights are always peaceful.


I looked at where the voice came from and my heart skipped a beat as soon as I saw the person.

I wrote this chapter twice, don't ask me why. I was so like anxious. Because I wanted to write something good that will make y'all happy. I'm so disappointed in myself rn😔. Anyways I'll try my best not to feel that way and trust in my writing! Vote and comment!

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